Part 3 Who's Gary?

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——-(Y/n) POV——-

When me, Pete, and Jimmy finished eating at the burger joint. I had actually make two friends that day. It's been 3 weeks since then, and I hang out with at least one of them every other day. Sometimes I see this Gary guy with or around them, Jimmy always drags me away from him. When I ask who he is Jimmy and Pete just tells me not to worry about it, but I still worry about it.

Anyway, this afternoon I'm hanging with Pete. I told him to meet me at the fountain in our school. I was going to ask him who Gary was, I know I won't be able to pry it out of Jimmy but I can pry it out of Pete. While waiting I started to daydream about how Gary must be like. Then I slowly started to think about.....Jimmy. Just thinking about his stupid little resting bitch face makes my heart rate rise. And his toned muscl-

"(Y/n)!" Pete yelled at me snapping me out of my daydream. Almost making me fall in the fountain I was sitting on.

"SHHHH, you'll make a prefect come over here, shut up"I said hunched over looking around to make sure nobody was coming. Pete mimicked my actions. Little did we know that there was someone there.

"Oh sorry, why'd you want to meet here anyway?" Pete questioned me as he sat down next to me.

"Well," I fidgeted and looked around. I didn't really like pushing Pete to do things he didn't want and I know this would be pushing him, but I really want to know. "It's about Gary..."

"What did he d-"

"I just want to know who he is" Pete facial expressions relaxed and so did his body. I made intense eye contact to show I was serious which didn't stop Pete from denying me information. He crossed his arms, closed his eyes and shook his head.


"Oh come on Pete just tell me who he is" I pleaded. "Please"

"(Y/n), he's a psyc-"

"I'm what Pete?" Gary asked on the other side of the fountain. Pete jumped at his voice. Is Pete scared of him? I gotta protect Pete lord knows he can't defend himself.

"Hey!" I snapped "I'm the girl that asked, so who are you?"

Gary's attention was set on me. Once Pete realized that, he split. Well what did I expect. Gary intertwined his hands and slowly walked towards me.

"A brave one aren't you. I'm the most brilliant kid in this school, I plan to have it in the palm of my hands one day."

Realizing the danger I actually might be in, I decided to leave early.

"Sounds nice bud but, uhhh, I gotta go" I say pivoting on one foot and pointing my thumbs in the direction I'm about to run. This guy gives me weird vibes.

"Your part of that plan (L/n)!" Gary yelled after me, with an evil grin as I started to run.

I turn my head and yell, "Wh-what I can't hear you, ihavenowhertobebutigottagobye!! (I have nowhere to be but I gotta go bye)" before I could even turn my head back fully I ran into something hard.

"Ouch" I fell to the ground and landed on my back. Whatever I hit didn't even budge.

"Shouldn't you be in class!" A prefect grabbed me by the neck to drag me to class but I wasn't just gonna give up so easily.

Next thing I knew, Jimmy was there. He punched the prefect grabbed me and ran. I could barely keep up, he was basically dragging me. We eventually reached a stop with nobody following us.

"Did he hurt you?" I was immediately interrogated once we stopped.

"H-how *huff* how are you not out of breath, *huff*??" My lungs were on fire and my legs were going numb. Sweat is coming down my face like a rainfall.

I was able to actually get a look at Jimmy's face and he looked pissed. He was pacing back and forwards between the small space of a building and brick wall.

Once I quickly caught my breath I asked,

"Hey yo-"
"Did. He. Hurt. You" Jimmy stopped pacing, balled his hands into fists, and looked directly at me. I froze for a little bit, and then stuttered out my answer.


Jimmy took a breath and let out his worry but not his anger. His face was red with anger as he paced more and put his attention back on me. I shrunk a little at his gaze. I could feel the burning sensation of tears threaten my eyes.

"What where you doing with him!"


"I told you not to worry about it and stay away from him!"


"And what do you do? Go RIGHT to him"

The tears finally started to fall. The knot in my throat, thick. And my nose began to run. He stopped pacing and looked at me with the softest expression I've ever seen him make. He opened and closed his mouth again and again until he spoke.

"I'm sorry" he pulled me in for a close hug. It was warm and comforting to lay my head against his school uniform sweater.

"I just wanted to keep you safe that's all, I'm sorry I yelled" he pulled you down with him as he slid down against the wall behind him, keeping you close. You softly cried in his arms between his legs.


A/n I'm really bad at ending chapters and writing them and I might change all these " I " to "you" anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ bye bye
╰(•̀ 3 •́)━☆゚.*・。゚🥞

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