Part 2 meet (Y/n)

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(Y/n) your name
(L/n) last name

——-(Y/n) POV——-

"Dang Pete, it's taking you a while, maybe I read him wrong" I mumbled to myself as I sat in the booth of a burger joint in town. The sunlight danced happily on my table as I wanted for my new friend.

"Hope I didn't scare him." I mumble again, slouching, thinking back to how you both met.

——-flash back——

"Arnold Smith" the teacher yelled for a response they never received. They marked on their clipboard the absence.

"(Y/n) (L/n)"

"Here." I said lazily. I really didn't want to be here but I gotta go to class eventually right.

"Oh look who's final-"

"Don't push it fat stuff. Just teach." I demanded.

"Ms.(L/n) that's no way to talk to your superiors!" I started to zone out and daydream as my teacher lectured me. I realize I was looking directly at some kid and he was looking at me. I've never seen him before, but then again I haven't been to class in a while. He doesn't look like he's a nerd or a jock or anything. We could be good friends.

"Ms.(L/n) are you even listening?" the teachers voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"I am absorbing every word" I say not making eye contact. The teacher just rolls their eyes and begins to teach finally. I guess I'll talk to him after class, maybe get lunch or something.

——-time skip—-

Brrrrrrrrrrring brrrrrrrrrrring

The bell rung signaling next period. You picked up your things and walked toward this guys desk.

"Uhh hey,"wow (Y/n) great way to start, it's been a while since I've talked to a person. "My names (Y/n) and you are...."

He stopped packing up and looked at me.
"It-it's Pete." Pete looked like he was unsure of what was happening and why. That and scared he looked pretty scared. I decided not to beat around the bush and take a direct approach.

"Well Pete we should go to this burger joint for lunch and be friends" that might of came out wrong but it doesn't look like it. Pete looks very excited

"O-ok yeah, I'll meet you there in 15 minutes" he said, as he finally put the last object in his backpack and putting it on.

"Alright." I say with a small smile, glad that my life is better than it was before.


'Ding-a-ling' the bell on door rung and I looked towards it to see my friend Pete and some other kid I've never seen before. I've never met him but it already looks like he hates me, I sure hope that's not the case.

———Jimmy's POV——-

"Ladies first." I say as I open the door for Pete to walk through. He walks around looking for her and we see a girl waving us down. I've never seen her before and I wouldn't mind seeing her some more she's pretty cute.

We go over to the booth and sit down, Pete first and me second. And looking at her close up she's really pretty.... uhh anyway I have to stay focused she better not be trying to use Pete.

——-(Y/n) POV——

"Hey Pete whose this" I ask trying not to look a the guy angrily staring at me.

"Don't worry (Y/n), this is Jimmy he's not gonna hurt you, right Jimmy"

"I hope I won't" Jimmy said crossing his arms and not breaking eye contact with me.

"I hope you don't" I said then I really started to notice he's features, he's little freckles and rosy cheeks. His ear piercing and sharp jaw. Wow. His cute, really cute.

A/n author note- I'm gonna end it there it's like 3:00 my eyes are barely open and I'm hungry. Let me know how to make this better give me suggestions n stuff the more I write the better they'll get hopefully \ (•◡•) /  bye ('-ω-)...zzZZ

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