Coffee Catastrophe

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My alarm clock blairs it's awful sound, disrupting my sleep. I yawn like a lion and walk to my dresser, throw my clothes on, and tie my shoes. Well, it's more of a uniform actually. My apron is freshly washed and smells of ground coffee. My day at the coffee shop hasn't even begun yet and I'm getting a bad feeling. Maybe the reason is I haven't had my day-starting energy yet. I am obsessed with coffee and the application didn't seem to have many requirements, so it kinda works out perfectly. Well, of course, until I finish college. I have a little ways to go, a few months if that.

Since the coffee shop isn't too far away, and I don't have a car, I just walk there every day. Also, I wake up slightly early so I can get my sweet bean juice, French vanilla coffee, before work. I cross a street and the coffee shop is in sight. I walk up a small hill- if you would even call that a hill- and reach the parking lot. As I do this, a car pulls into a spot away from the shop and a guy gets out. He heads toward the shop as I walk slightly ahead of him.

I apparently got here a little bit early, so I can just sit and chill for 10 minutes or so. I order my coffee, get an employee discount, and sit at an unoccupied table in the corner of the small shop. The barista calls my name and I walk up to the counter.

I retrieve my coffee, turn around, and immediately slip on a puddle of water. My coffee flies upward and I smack into the wet floor sign. "Gah!" I breath as I try to get up. A hand extends and I take it graciously. Apparently, it's the guy who was walking behind me outside. I notice he has ice coffee dripping down from his blue, now completely brown, shirt. "Wow, I've never seen anyone look at me and try to die immediately," he says jokingly. I giggle like an idiot and apologize, "I'm so sorry- did I do that!?" He looks at me and smiles, "It's fine, but you really fell for me, didn't you?" He seems like the funny type.

I look away and snicker, grabbing napkins by the handful. At this point, everyone in this place- literally 7 people- are looking at me. I dab his shirt and he says, "You really don't have to do that-" he says as I hand him the whole napkin container. Angela, [I call her Angie] my coworker, walks up to me and laughs. "You're shift hasn't even started yet and you already ruined someone's day!" She laughs jokingly at my precarious predicament. "My name is Damien by the way," he says as he throws the soiled napkins in the trash. I hold out my hand and we shake as I tell him my name. It was very weird how nice he was, considering I ruined his outfit.

I finish my shift, which is only 4 hours every weekday, and make my way outside after waving to Angie. I only work part-time at the moment so I can focus on my studies. To make it less complicated on myself, I take my courses online. This makes life so much easier.

Just before I think my day can't get much better, I, of course, see Damien walking down toward a restaurant with what seems like all of his friends. The smell of wet asphalt smokes from the road and the scent of fresh bread tickles my nose. I, thinking this is fate, begin to walk toward him. My steps click against the pavement. As I walk, I notice he is wearing something completely different. I sigh, knowing I probably made him late for his job.

Before I approach him, he says, "Oh, hi, (y/n)!" It's cool how he actually remembers my name. One of his friends suddenly greets me, introducing himself as Shayne. I tell him my name, thinking it's not of much importance because we probably would not meet again. I then introduce myself to his other friends, Courtney, Ian, and Olivia. I then ask, "Hey, Damien, what are you doing down here?" He stares at me for two short seconds then says, "We are going out for lunch, would you maybe want to join us? We're going to that sushi place right there." Whatever air I had in my lungs escaped quickly. "Oh- I couldn't interrupt your hang time with your friends!" I say, scared of any disapproving eyes. Everyone nods as to say I can join.

Welp, here I am, having dinner with a cute guy I barely know. My gay ass is quaking as I am seated directly next to Damien. I take off my apron and drape it over the chair. Ian, out of nowhere, blurts out, "(y/n), you're all Damien has been talking about all day. Frankly, he's done it so much it's annoying." I look at him, surprised at how blunt he was. I then look at Damien, who is blushing immensely. "Nah, I'm just kidding. Anyway, Courtney, what are you getting?" Everyone acts like that was normal as Damien finally looks upward.

The waiter approaches us and takes our orders. I look over at Damien and he says, "So, (y/n), what's your favorite Anime?" I look down at my shirt, displaying Deku from My Hero Academia. "Ah, I quite like Danganronpa, actually, wouldn't say it's my favorite, but I like how unique the games are," I respond, his face lighting up. "I've actually been playing the games. The series is really good! We start conversing over our favorite characters and are surprised that they are all similar.

Shayne looks over at Damien and starts laughing. "What's so funny?" Damien says, starting to laugh along with him. "I just realized you guys haven't said a word to anyone else but eachother for the past 20 minutes!" I look at the abnormally small clock in the corner of the sushi shop. Indeed, we have been talking about Danganronpa and other Animes for twenty-two minutes. Our waiter briskly waltzes over to our table and hands everybody their food but Courtney. "Um, sir?" He spins around. "Oh, by the way, your food will be out shortly, Miss," She nods.

Almost immediately, our waiter returns with Courtney's food. We all begin to dig into our fish food just before I drop my fork onto the crusty floor. Damien leans downward and grabs the fork. He places it on the table and grabs an extra set of silverware from the center of the table. I thank him and Olivia starts to giggle. Noone questions why she's laughing, as if they already know. "Is there an inside joke I'm not getting?" Damien asks just before everyone else bursts out laughing. I glance at everyone in confusion.

"Okay, I'm gonna say it because noone else will. You two are just too perfect for eachother!" Courtney says, laughing out loud. I blink towards Damien in even more confusion. His head goes downward, his eyes looking up toward Courtney. He scratches the back of his head and changes the subject, "So... Celeste am I right?" I start laughing slightly.

We finish our food and pay the bill. We walk out of the sushi restaurant with our bellys happy. "Hey, (y/n)?" Damien says from behind me. I turn around and Damien hands me a napkin with a few numbers written across it. "Huh? What's this?" I say, curious of what he handed me. "It's my- uh- number. Ya know, just incase you wanted it. I take the paper and take out my phone immediately. I put the number into my contacts list and assign the name as "Damien😄👌🏻". He looks down at the phone and smiles.

I pull out the pen I had inside my apron's pocket and write a few numbers on the napkin. I hand him the note and he pulls out his phone. He clicks around as I look at his phone. He addresses my number as "🌸💮😁(y/n)😁💮🌸''. "You like your emojis symmetrical?" I ask Damien. "A little bit. It doesn't bother me if they're not, but it just looks nice, I think," he responds. "Care to give me your number? You're pretty cool, you can join our friend group chat." Shayne says as he puts his hands in his pockets. "Oh, sure..." I say as I hand him the napkin.

I wave goodbye to everyone and make my way back to my apartment. I look behind me at the group and see Damien still looking my way. I smile and wave as he does the same.

《You Really Fell For Me》Damien Haas X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now