Head Over Heels

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Damien's P0V

I walk out of the restaurant flustered. After (y/n) says goodbye, he starts to walk away as I keep staring. I get lost in thought about how I met this guy through the most awkward encounter possible, and I am totally infatuated with him. He looks back at me as if he knew I was staring, I wave, feeling awkward as he fades down the street.

I approach Shayne, asking why he added (y/n) to the groupchat, him responding with a simple answer, "I think if you guys keep seeing eachother and get serious, we'd want to know if they're cool or not, ya know? We've never seen you take interest in another guy before, so... "

I stare at him confused, considering I thought we all got along perfectly. "It's gotta be more than just that, right? I thought we all got along like a house on fire," I sigh, feeling defeated.
"Nevermind, I guess it really doesn't matter anyway... And I guess your point is valid," We talk for around four-ish minutes then agree to part ways as I begin to walk to my apartment.

Thoughts of (y/n) begin to swirl around my head, blocking out everything else I could have been imagining. I start thinking about him so much, I lose sight of where I'm going, and trip over a crack in the sidewalk. My hands catch most of my weight, my knees holding the rest. I stand up and check my hands. They look like I had been writing with chalk, and they began to bleed a little as I cringe. I look behind me to check if someone had seen me being a doofus, I relax as I see noone. That's quite unusual for Los Angeles, but nonetheless lucky.

A familiar voice comes out of an open window to my left, "Hey, are you okay?"
I tilt my head towards the sound, realizing it was (y/n), "Damien!?" I giggle slightly and shout, "Yeah! W-what's up?"
He says for me to wait there for a second, then shuts the window. I take the time to actually pay attention to my surroundings, noticing that I had walked two blocks past my apartment. Funny what a single person can do to you, huh?

He walks out of the building with a new outfit on and a MCR shirt in his hand. He hands me the shirt and says, "I am very sorry for ruining your shirt this morning. I hope this will... fill the void in your closet."
I snicker slightly, rejecting his offer, "No, I couldn't possibly take a shirt from you, not to mention this is My Chemical Romance merch!"
He sighs, "Are you sure?"
I nod, knowing well it wouldn't be good for my conscience.

"So, you live here?" I ask, starting up a conversation. He smirks a tiny bit and says, "Uh, yeah... I was playing Animal Crossing and heard a thud outside. I assumed there was a car crash or some sort of vehicular manslaughter going down, but no, it was you falling."
I grab my chest, pretending to be hurt by his joke. We share a chuckle and (y/n) looks at my hands, his eyebrows furrowing, "Hey, come inside. I have rubbing alcohol and bandages to help you with that,"
He points towards the subtle speckles of blood seeping from my palms,
"Oh, it's nothing! I'll just run to my house. It's only around 2 blocks back."

"C'mon, Damien! I owe you this, at least. Also, its LA, you'll get an STD or something!" He gives me "puppy dog eyes" and I give in.
"Fine, I'll come inside..." I flash a smile and follow him into his place.

A shorter chapter, I know, but the next chapter will definitely be longer!

To the person who asked me to continue this story, thank you for motivating me! I was putting off writing this chapter due to writers block and grueling schoolwork, but I felt like I needed to update it due to this comment.♡

Also, thank you to everyone who voted, it's very appreciated!

《You Really Fell For Me》Damien Haas X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now