Chapter 5

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Anna POV

I woke up to banging on my door. I looked at the clock, it was 4:45 am. "Come in," I called out. The door opened and I saw Andrew come in with a worried look on his face.

"Hello my big brother who loves me, what can I do for you this wonderful morning?" I ask him, smiling at him. I wanted to try and cheer him up. I hated seeing him worried.

"Anna, I need to speak to you about something important."

I sat up and looked at him, "What's wrong Andrew, is daddy ok?"

"Father is fine Anna; this is about you."

"Did you find the gang who the men belonged to?"

He shook his head, "not yet, but I will be finding out this afternoon. That's what I'm here to talk to you about. I had to use an out of town source that I don't normally use to get this information, Anna. And, well, he wanted something in return..."

"What did he want?" I ask in a whisper, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"H-he wants to meet you."

"Meet me? What does that mean exactly? Are you marrying me off? Why would he want to meet me? Are you making me go with him?"

"Calm down Anna, I am not marrying you off. He simply wants to meet you as he doesn't believe you could kill 7 men by yourself. He will be coming this afternoon and then we will be having a family dinner this evening in which he and two of his members will be attending where you will meet him. That is all, you do not have to leave with him, and we will all be there with you. Nothing bad will happen, although, I do ask that after lunch I want you back in this room and I want you to stay here until dinner time. I don't want to take a chance of him seeing you before dinner."

"Is it a black-tie event?"

"We have guests, of course, it will be."

"Well, then I will need to have that time to get ready anyway," I said smiling at him. Andrew looks at me. I reach over and take hold of his hand, "it's ok Andrew, I trust you to protect me." He nods his head and goes to leave the room then stops as he reaches the door.

"Anna... I need you to know that this man is very dangerous."

I roll my eyes. "Andrew, every man that comes here is very dangerous."

"No Anna, you don't understand, this man is very dangerous. There is a reason I don't use him as a source unless I absolutely have to. I'm telling you this so that you're prepared. Don't forget your weapons, ok?" He doesn't wait for my reply, as he opens my door and walks out.

Andrews POV

Marcus arrived at 6 pm, he was wearing his dinner suit and had bought two members with him, I do not know them and to be frank, I do not care. I invite him into my soon to be own office and sit down.

"Thank you for coming Marcus, I appreciate your help in this matter."

He sits down opposite me and nods his head, "thank you for inviting me. I should introduce you to my associates. This is Alexander," he says, pointing to the man standing on his right, "and this," he says, pointing to the man standing on his left, "is Justin."

I nod in acknowledgment. "Thank you both for coming as well. Now, can we get down to business, this is a sensitive issue for us and we'd like to get it sorted as soon as possible."

"I understand why you would want to know who did this. No woman should have to be attacked by 7 men by herself. Only a coward would be a part of that attack."

"Exactly. Am I right in assuming you have the information you said you'd bring?" I ask him

Alexander gets a folder out of his suit jacket and passes it to Marcus. "It's all right here, however, we made a deal I do believe, and I will give you what you want after I meet your sister." He smirks, waving it around.

"How do I know that your information is any good?"

"Well, the bit of information you get when I meet your sister will be enough for you to go after these cowards, the rest of the information I can give you we can negotiate after dinner, depending on how it goes, however, that will be enough for you to take them down without losing men."

"If this information isn't what I need I will shoot you myself Marcus, you and your associates will not be leaving this house alive."

He nods his head in agreement, "I have no reason to do wrong by you, Andrew."

I pick up my phone and call Anna's room.

"Anna, I need you to come to the office right now, please... yes." I put down the phone, "She's on her way." Marcus sat there smiling, I have a feeling he's up to something.

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