Chapter 10

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I wake up at 5am like I do every other morning, I go in and have a shower, I must thank Marcus for having such a heavenly shower in here, and change into my black training pants and my black sports bra. It's hard to hide knives in my training gear, so I put two of them in my bra instead. It's roughly 6 am when I'm ready to go. I figure I'll go into the garden for a run, get some fresh air. I open the door and find a large body in front of me. He turns to look at me when I open the door.

"Can I help you, ma'am?"

"Well, actually, is there a reason why you're stalking my room?" I asked, folding my arms

"Yes ma'am, the boss told us that this room and it's guest is to be guarded at all times."

"Oh, ok then. Well, can you please show me how to get outside so I can go for a run?"

"No, sorry ma'am, no one is allowed out of the house before 7 am."

"Ok, so where should I go for a run then?"

"The gym?"

"Ok then, well Mr. Stalker, can you please show me where the gym is then?"

"Of course, ma'am, follow me." I follow the man to a room with double doors at the front. He opens them up and I gasp. This room is amazing. Around the outside is a running track, and then in the center is an octagon fighting cage, to the left of the cage is some dummies, to the right is some punching bags, then on the other side there are some different weight machines and then next to the cage there is a large floormat. I could spend forever in this room.

"Wow, the only thing this place is missing is a pool," I mutter.

"There is a pool outside, and there is a heated pool behind the door on the opposite side of the room if you are looking to use that instead ma'am." I look up at him.

"Oh, well then I guess this place isn't missing anything. Thanks, Mr. Stalker guy, are you staying here or guarding the door?" I ask

He looks me up and down and gives me a sleazy smirk "I'll stay here and make sure you're safe. I think the door can handle itself."

Ok, so Mr. Stalker is a sleaze bag. I'll have to ask Marcus later if I can hurt him. I start by doing some 20 laps on the running track. Once that was done, I went over to the training dummies, I hadn't practiced on a dummy for a while, so I figured that I'd have a go at that. I had been there for probably about an hour when the guy who wouldn't take his eyes off of my body spoke up. "It's half an hour until breakfast."

I nod my head at him, "I should go and get ready then. Thanks." I pick up my drink bottle and go to walk out of the room. As I go to walk past him, he intentionally moves in order to brush up against my body. I feel my anger rise up but remember where I am. I turn on my mafia switch and continue back to my room without talking to him. I make sure to lock my door when I walk back inside of my room, I have another quick shower, I really have to tell Marcus how good these showers are. I change into a pair of jeans and a blue v-shaped t-shirt. I couldn't find room on my leg for my knife, so I put them both back in my bra and just put my gun on my waistband, which was covered up by the t-shirt I was wearing. Then, I reopened my door to find Marcus standing outside of my room next to the guard.

"Good morning sir, how are you this morning?" I ask him, ensuring I remain respectful of the Don.

He nods in acknowledgment, "good thank you Anna, but you do not need to call me sir, please, call me Marcus. Was everything to your liking last night?"

"Well, actually Marcus, I was hoping I could possibly speak to you for a moment?" I ask him, shooting my eyes between him and the guard who was facing the opposite wall.

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