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Thank you for taking the time and effort to read my book. This book enacts as my main project piece for my college EPQ however, I intend to keep it on Wattpad in order to carry out its initial purpose- amend the incorrect and partial internal views made on Paganism and Witchcraft.

The idea of this book sprouted from my own personal experiences: my peers often questioning and criticising my beliefs and practices which, I believe could be down to the stigma around Paganism and Witchcraft today. Therefore, I grew tiresome of trying to constantly legitimise their views. I looked for a way to incorporate my love for writing and my practices/beliefs together within this project alongside set their views straight.

As part of my project, I require feedback on this book therefore, I've set up a survey asking a few questions about your opinions on Behind the Screams! I can assure you, it will only take 5 minutes- if that, to help me get an A :) The link is as follows:

The link can also be found on the personal bio on my account page.

This project carries my heart and soul, I put everything into this book and I hope you've all enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed creating it. Occasionally, there were times where I struggled to overcome issues or to gather the motivation to continue writing although my fascination and interest drove me to persevere. Not only this but, I felt it my responsibility to tell the harrowing tales of the Witch Trials to honour those brutally murdered. I owe it to the victims to shed more light on their story and owe it to the modern day witches to contribute to reveal the truth about their practices and beliefs.

(I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all their opinions, thoughts and information that allowed this project to become possible. Especially, the interviewee (The Purple Beaded Witch) of whose responses helped to lay out the basic foundation of Behind The Screams. Alongside everyone who took part in any of my primary research methods! Thank you all so very much)

Once again, thank you all & I appreciate the support :D

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