Chapter 3: plz be nice

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Ray's POV.

Ok that was weird. I wonder that guy is??? Maybe that's her brother. I'll as Rachel. I honestly hope to god its not cuz dude hella look scary.

Me: Rachel whos that??? (i asked her nerviously)

Rachel:her brother Elijah.

Me: oh cool.

Once she said that I was scared I'm not gonna even lie.

Roc: whats wrong Ray you scared???

Me:shut up Roc you know you just as scared as me!!!!

Proc's POV.

Ray was right I was scared but I couldn't tell him that. Her brother do look scary and I'm not tryn to get my ass kicked.

Nadia's pov

Me:what are you doing here?!?!?!?

Elijah: just felt like the drive up here.

Me:ohhh well I have people I want you to meet.

Elijah: who???

Me:remember that mystery cuzin???

Elijah: ya why???

Me: well I met him today and he's really cool. Thats him over there with his friends.

Elijah: none of them have tryed anythiing with you have they???

Me:*hit his chest* NO!!!! but anyway I want you to meet them.

Elijah: iight.

Me:can i get on your back???


Me: ppppppllllllzzzzz


I hopped on his back and he carried me over to every one else. Before we got there i stopped him.

Me: brother promise me you'll be nice.


Me: plz brother for me???

Elijah: iight i got you.

Me: thanks brother. *smiles*

i kissed him on his cheek an we started walking again.

Ray's POV

I saw Nadia get on her brothers back and start walking over here. I'm kind of worried. I'm not tryna make a bad impression. This dude look like he could stomp me to the ground.

Roc's pov

Her brother look hella scary he all big and buff. i dont wanna mess with him. If I do get Nadia i don't wanna break her heart other wise her brother might break me

Rachel's pov

I looked over at Ray and Roc and i could tell they were scared.

Me: you guys looked scared well and by you guys i mean Roc and Ray.

Roc: what about Prince and Prod???

Me: well Prince and her are cuzins so he can't date her and her brothers dont have to worry about him.

Prod:and i don't like her that way shes jut the type of person i could hang with not date.j

Me: which leaves you to(i said pointing at ray and roc)

After I said that Nadia and her brother came to us.

Nadia's POV

We joined every one.

Me: heyyyyy

Everyone: hey

Me:guys i would like you to meet my brother Elijah

Boys: hey.

Elijah: wassup.

I could tell Roc and Ray were nervious. I think their scared of my brother. Lol. Then there was a really awkard silence.

Me:soooo brother are you hungry??? I made some of the food that's here.

AA soon as i said that he kind left with me on his back.

Me: ill be back!!! i yealled at them

Ray's POV.

I let out a sigh of relief. Rachel looked over at me and laughed.

Me: thats not funny dude is scary as hell up close!!!

Prince: well good luck you 2.

Roc: what you mean by that

Prod:lets just say if you breark her heart her brother will break your face.

Me: I wouldn't say that??? Right Rachel???

Rachel: eh just dont hurt her bcuz she does have a temper I've never seen it but she has told me she doesnt take mess from anyone.

Roc: so what now we need to be scared of her???

Rachel: no just don't get on her bad side.

Me: Oh. Rachel can i talk to you over there for a minute.

We got up and walked away from the others.

Me:can you plea-(gco)

Rachel: you want me to talk to Nadia for you.

Me: ya.

Rachel: ok ill do it. *smiles*

Me: thanks. *smiles*

We walked back to everyone else and I saw Nadia walking her brother back to his car. She waved goodbye and then ran back to us.

mystery cuzin(an MB love story)(editing)Where stories live. Discover now