Living In Silence

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 ”Louis can you stop moping around and actually help?” My father snapped at me breaking me out of my trance. I glared at him and bent down to grab the box by my feet. I was so sick of my parents. They made me move all the way to London so that they didn’t have to be in the same city. Which is quite annoying when you live in Doncaster. The box had Lottie scribbled messily on the top in my father’s cursive. It wasn’t too heavy so I figure it was probably clothes and things like that. I tossed it in the moving truck and turned back around to get more boxes when I bumped into the little girls in front of me.

“Louis, we don’t want to move.” I squatted down, my knees making an ugly creaking sound as I did, to be at eye level with my little sisters Pheobe and Daisy. I placed a hand on both of the tiny shoulders and smiled slightly.

“Hey cheer up! We’ll be in a brand new house where you can decorate your room as much as you want and you’ll meet a lot of new people and new friends. Think of it more as an adventure!” I tried to smile convincingly, but to a 6 year old you don’t really need to be that convincing. The girls smiled watery smiled before nodding and running over into the yard.

Finally, after hours of grueling work, all of the belongings we were taking with us were in the back of the moving truck. I sighed as I closed the truck door and latched it tight so our things wouldn’t fall out as we drove. I got in the passenger seat next to my mum and stared at the house as we drove away. I didn’t know when the next time I would be seeing that house, the one that I grew up in. I had so many childhood memories there it felt wrong to be leaving it behind, but oh well. I guess that’s what happens when people divorce. I watched the surroundings of Doncaster pass me by as we drove out of the city I used to call home.

The 3 hour drive passed by quickly. I don’t remember if I fell asleep or not, but next thing I knew we were driving through the big city of London. I looked this way and that at the beautiful sights that were London. I hadn’t been since I was very little and it felt nice to look around at the vaguely familiar surroundings. The London Eye stood out from the buildings as I was taken back to the memories of my childhood. Memories of when my parents were happy together and the love they felt for each other still existed. Unlike now, where they were fighting everyday. One day my mum just had enough and here we were, driving up to our brand new house. It was smaller than our house in Doncaster but at the same time larger. We all had our separate rooms, except for the twins, and they were spread out over 4 stories. It looked like an old house but I couldn’t wait to get inside and see what it looked like.


A whole week had been in our house now and we had settles in marvelously. My room was a tan colour with pictures of my family on shelves. It was plain and exactly what I wanted. The twins’ room was the most decorated, with its bright colours and flowers painted all over the wall, and the rest of the house was subdued with natural colours. The inside was fairly modern with a newly re-done kitchen and it’s hardwood floor. It felt right.

“Louis, can you please get up already?” I groaned at the sound of my mother’s voice. What was with her? I flopped over and opened my eyes to the bright green letters of my digital clock. I sprung out of bed at the time and ran into the shower without grabbing towels. I was going to be late for my first day of school. Summer was over and school was back in session. As the hot water poured over my cold body, I shivered and felt the nerves in my stomach start to emerge. My shower was less the 5 minutes, getting in and washing and getting out. I couldn’t be late for my first day of school, there was no way. “Louis hurry up in there!” My mum’s voice was angry and tired, I knew she was having the trouble of having to get the twins ready for school but I had my own problems to deal with first.

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