A Talk

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Harry's POV:

McGonagall sat in front of her desk, surveying me over her glasses.

"Explain what prompted you to harm another student." She said it simply, but I knew I wouldn't be getting out of this easily by the intensity of her gaze.

"This Slytherin boy was insulting Ron's family. He was saying how they are blood traitors and it would be better if they all died, as Ron's boggart this morning showed. He doesn't  understand how hard the Weasleys work to just stay alive, so he has no right whatsoever to insult his family.

"He also insulted Professor Lupin. That idiot doesn't understand that Lupin goes through hell and back every month and that he has no control of it, that the man Lupin loves is in the hospital, unconscious, and probably won't ever wake up again! He has no right to say that Lupin should be thrown out on his arse because he doesn't understand! His pathetic little mind can't accept that some things are more complicated than they seem.

"And he had the audacity to say that Dumbledore should be sacked! Dumbledore is the backbone of this school. We all saw that happened when he left in second year. And even last year! He's so damn focused on blood status that he doesn't even care about the people he goes to school with and if they will stay alive during this war! Because they sure as hell won't if Dumbledore's gone!" I was up and pacing the floor now.

"Lupin is the best Defense teacher we have ever had. He goes through hell once a month, has never hurt a soul, and does everything he can to make us feel better. Hell, he even got Neville to come out of his shell! No one has any right to insult him just because he's different! He has a disease! He can't control his transformations! He's not Fenrir Greyback! He doesn't hurt anyone if he can help it and I'll be damned if someone calls him a monster because of something that's not even his fault!"

I was panting now. I looked into McGonagall's eyes and saw that she was watching me intently.

She studied me for a moment longer then tilted her head to the side of her desk. "Have a biscuit, Potter." Wow. Flashback to last year, but okay...

I sat down in front of her desk and started nibbling on a biscut.

"You are right in every way, but you cannot go around hitting students. If something like this comes up again, you take it to a teacher or to their head of house." I scoffed.

"Like Snape would do anything? He'd probably give the kid a high-five and fifty house points."

McGonagall sighed. "Then take it to me and I shall take it to Professor Snape." She thought for a moment before continuing.

"Write ten extra inches on the essay, but other than that you are free to go." I couldn't believe my luck. Not even detention! I nodded and stood.

As soon as I reached the door, McGonagall spoke again.

"Everyone is fighting their own battles, Potter. But you have just done a very good job at winning one of them."

I turned around and saw that a small smile was on her lips. I nodded again and quickly left the room.


As soon as I turned the corner, I was bombarded with questions. "I couldn't wait for you to get to the Great Hall! What happened? Are you in trouble? Of course you are! You punched another student! Two of them! How long is your detention? What about Quidditch? Can you still go to tryouts? What-"

"Hermione!" I covered her mouth with my hand and she quieted down.

"I don't have detention. She just told me that I had to write an extra ten inches on the essay." Hermione's mouth dropped as soon as I moved my hand away.

"Seriously? But if I were her I would have given you a week!" Ron stood from the bench he had previously been sitting on and clapped her on the shoulder.

"And that is why you aren't a Professor, 'Mione." She rolled her eyes.

"But you're not in trouble? Not even a bit?" I shook my head.

"That's incredible! None of us could have gotten away with that!" I shook my head again.

"It's like she said. Everyone is fighting their own battles and I managed to win one of them. That's why I didn't get in trouble."

Ron thought for a minute then wrapped an arm around my shoulders and started leading me down the corridor.

"As happy as I am for you and your no detentions, I would be more than happy to celebrate with lunch. 'Mione over here was determined to wait for you and said I couldn't skip off and return with some food." I laughed as we made our way down to the Great Hall.

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