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Harry's POV:

I woke up and immediately felt a throbbing in my head. I seemed to be upside down, suspended from the ceiling.

I looked around and saw that I was in a fancy house. It was mostly covered in shadow, the only light coming from the fireplace. I could hear the sounds of rain, but this time, instead of making me feel at peace, it only increased my anxiety.

"Ah. So Potter's awake?" I jerked around, but just ended up turning in a circle. The laughter that followed made my blood boil.

"Mr. Malfoy. Anything I can do for you? Or did you just happen to feel like having a prisoner and I was the only one available? I guess since your family ditched you, I'm the closest thing you've got, right?" I sneered at him. It wasn't Voldemort talking, but my own anger. And a little bit of sass.

"Keep your mouth closed, boy." He snapped at me as he moved so we were face to upside- down face.

"I happen to like using my mouth, thank you very much. It comes in handy when-" A sharp blow to my face made me fall silent.

"Ah. That's better, isn't it?" I knew I should be afraid. But I wasn't. I was just angry. One of the happiest moments of my life was just ruined. You can be damn sure I was pissed.

"What do you want?" I demanded.

"Oh, just a quick spot of tea. Sugar or plain?"

"I happen to like mine bitter." I retorted.

"Oh enough of the games, Lucius. Let's get to the fun." I recognized Bellatrix's voice long before I saw her. I should have recognized her by her cackle in the first place.

"You know why you're here, Potter. You're the Dark Lord's enemy. And won't he be oh so pleased to find that we've caught you?"

Bellatrix stopped in front of me then flicked her wand and I went crashing to the floor. Before I could stand, however, there was a dagger at my throat.

"Why don't you summon him, Lucius? After all, you're supposedly his favorite." Bellatrix hissed at him.

"Is that a bit of jealousy I detect? Here I was thinking all Death Eaters got along."

"Quiet Potter!" Bellatrix screeched in my ear, causing it to start ringing.

"We shant summon him. Not yet. He is close to tracking down the last of the run away Death Eaters. He will be more than displeased to be taken from his work."

Bellatrix threw me aside like a rag doll and marched over to Lucius. I was trying to get to my feet, but yet another Death Eater slugged me across the face, sending me sprawling to the floor.

"This is Harry Potter! I am positive he would make an exception!" Bellatrix yelled.

"He wouldn't want to be so close and be deterred! You should take my word as gospel, Bellatrix. Seeing how I am, as you said, the favorite." I heard Bellatrix huff.

"Fine. But only an hour. Meanwhile, I will have my fun." Well shit.

She walked over to me, her wand pointing directly at my heart. "Crucio!"

I started jerking around, every nerve in my body on fire. I refused to scream and give them the satisfaction, but on the inside I was screaming as loudly as humanly possible.

The pain vanished as quickly as it started, but I felt like my limbs were lead afterwards.

"Bellatrix! Stop! We need him conscious. After all, I imagine the Dark Lord will like to have a proper chat." Lucius said as he stepped forward.

"Nonsense Lucius. He's Harry Potter. He can take more than anyone, right? Who thinks I should give him another go? Show him our pain?"

Cries echoed throughout the room and I was startled to hear how many there really were. They must have been surrounding us, hidden in the shadows.

"See Lucius? We give each other what we deserve. Crucio!" My body felt on fire again and I was once again, jerking around.

A white-hot pain raced up my arm and I realized it was in the fireplace. I jerked it out and the curse lightened up, the Death Eater's laughter echoing around the room.

"Silly Harry Potter. Think you've had enough?" Bellatrix was leaning down to me, her curly black hair tickling my face. I spat blood in her face and she jumped back.

"You'll regret that Potter!"

No curse came this time. Instead, several pairs of feet and their owner's hands started hitting my body. I was surprised by the lack of magic. I guess this was, as Bellatrix had said, giving the Death Eaters what they deserved. I just didn't understand why I was the one being punished.

After a few moments of choking on my own blood and feeling it running into my eye, turning my vision red, I blacked out. I was grateful for it. That way I wasn't in any pain. I also didn't have to hear Bellatrix's mad shrieks of laughter over the ringing in my ears.

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