A Plan

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Draco's POV:

I paced back and forth in front of Lupin and Sirius. "He's in trouble. I know it. I can feel it." Sirius looked at me in confusion.

"You're... Draco. Right? Cissa's son?" I nodded. "And you actually care about Harry? Last I heard it was the opposite." Lupin chuckled and patted his hand.

"You've missed a lot, Sirius."

"Apparently..." He looked back at me.

"And how can you feel that my godson is in trouble? I thought he just left to go get a Healer." Sirius said, looking at me questioningly. He obviously didn't trust me yet. With good reason.

"Draco and Harry have a connection. They are the One in a Million." Sirius' eyes grew wide.

"But Harry hated him!" Remus gave a small smile.

"We'll talk about it later..."

"Long story short, I'm protecting Harry's brain from being possessed by Voldemort again. But now I can feel what he feels. It's bad, Lupin. Really, really bad." Lupin's expression became somber.

"You are sure, Draco?" I nodded.

"Of course I'm bloody sure! I can feel it. Wherever he is, he's angry. He's angry, but I can tell he's trying to hide the fact that he is afraid." Sirius sat up a bit straighter, worry now on his face.

Suddenly, he kicked back his blankets and started trying to stand. "I'm going."

"No Sirius. You've only just woken up from a comma! Your heart is still weak."

"I don't give a shit about my heart! That boy is my godson and I'll be damned if he's in trouble and I don't help him!" Lupin placed both his hands on Sirius' shoulders.

"Remember what got you here today? Not thinking the plan through. I can't loose you again. I need you to stay calm until we have figured this out." Sirius glared at Lupin, then finally sat back down.

Suddenly, the door to the room banged open and Granger and Weasle came running in.

"Ron? Hermione? What are you doing here?" Lupin asked as he rose to his feet.

"Sirius! Glad to see you're awake." Granger said with a smile. She turned back to Lupin, her face becoming somber.

"It's Harry."

"That's what he's been saying!" Sirius said, pointing to me. "But Moony won't let me leave!"

I chuckled at how dramatic Sirius made his voice. I was starting to understand why he didn't get on well with his family.

"What about Harry?" Lupin asked.

"He's missing. Dumbledore sent us here. He has eyes everywhere, you know. One of the Death Eaters, Yaxley, kidnapped him. We don't know where he was taken though." Granger said all of this very fast, the Weasle nodding beside her.

Lupin started pacing back and forth and Sirius grabbed his wand from his nightstand, waved it in a circular motion, and suddenly his hospital gown was replaced with actual clothes.

"No Sirius! You aren't going!" Lupin said yet again. Sirius shook his head.

"He is my damn godson. I'm going." Ron shook his head.

"You can't be serious, mate." Everyone exchanged a glance, then we all burst out laughing.

"I happen to be Sirius, as that is my name." Sirius said between gasps of laughter.

After a few minutes, we all collected ourselves, smiles still playing on most of our lips.

"What about the Order?" I suggested. Lupin shook his head.

"Already on missions. Dumbledore has most of them traveling to warn people or spying at their jobs. Kingsley, Tonks, and Arthur can't abruptly leave work. It would cause too much suspicion. Alastor is in Southern England, searching for some Death Eaters that are supposedly doing work for Voldemort."

"I thought he was retired!" Sirius exclaimed.

"He couldn't rest once he learned Voldemort was back." Lupin responded.

"But what about the others? If there is no Order, then what do we do?" Ron demanded. Lupin sighed and Sirius wrapped an arm around his waist in a comforting manner.

"We have to get him ourselves."

"But where is he?" Hermione asked. Sirius looked over at me.

"If you're protecting Harry, that means you're on our side, yes?" I nodded.

"Great. You used to be a Death Eater. Or at least be around them. What are their hiding spots? Their best meeting places?"

I wracked my brains. "Well...Bellatrix's Summer home is a big one. Also Severus'. The largest one is the Manor, but I doubt they would have taken him there, as it would be the most obvious place. They would have wanted him somewhere hidden." Lupin thought.

"They may believe that we would think Malfoy Manor is too obvious, so it would be the perfect place for a hostage."

Hermione and Ron nodded. "Where's the back door?" Hermione asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I imagine there are spells preventing people from apparating out, correct?" I nodded. "Then we need a back door. Someplace where they won't see us coming." I pulled up a map of the house in my head.

"There's....there's an old wine cellar. Father always keeps it locked with a special lock because it has a door leading to the outside, but he taught me the spell to open it." Lupin nodded.

"Alright. We'll go that way. Sirius, you are staying here."

"Like hell I am. Harry is my godson and I've already made it clear that I'm not not going after him. I don't care if I get in another bloody coma, he's my godson and I'm going after him. You'd do the same, wouldn't you Moony?" He asked, arms crossed over his chest. Lupin seemed to be facing some sort of of internal battle.

He finally groaned and responded, "Fine. But you stay in my sights. You are not going into the Manor." Sirius started striding towards the door.

"Yeah, good luck keeping me out of there." Lupin groaned again as we all formed a circle then apparated away. I knew just where to land so the Caterwauling Charms wouldn't go off.

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