Me Too

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Harry's POV:

Throughout the day, I felt my head buzzing. Why had Draco run out of the dungeons? I hadn't seen or heard anything about him all day. Pansy Parkinson seemed on edge too. She snapped at everyone and kept biting her nails.

When the day finally ended, I collapsed into a chair in front of the fire in the Common Room. I watched the flames dance for a while and felt myself zoning out.

I was jerked back to reality at Hermione's voice.

"Harry? Are you even paying attention?" I looked back at her.

"No. Sorry. What's going on?" I sat up a bit straighter, shaking my head slightly to clear it.

"I was just telling Ron that I heard from Neville who heard from Blaise who heard from Pansy that Malfoy left the castle!" I stared at her, my brain slowly making sense of what she had just said.

"You can say that, but you couldn't tell Harry about Hagrid in Fourth Year?" Ron joked.

"Why did Draco leave the castle?" I asked, changing the subject. Hermione sighed.

"Apparently his Mother is ill. As soon as he heard, he hurried straight there. That's where he was running off to this morning." I nodded.

"That makes sense..." A thought popped into my head.

"Oh, speaking of ill, Moony and I are going to St. Mungo's to visit Sirius, since it's the weekend and all. I haven't seen him since the day he was admitted. Would either of you like to come?" Hermione sighed and shook her head.

"Sorry Harry. I can't. I can't miss the time to study. It's only the first week back and we already have loads to do." I nodded.

"It's fine."

"If it helps at all, I'd be happy to come, I just can't because 'Mione will have me chained to the desk." Ron said with a slight grin. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Oh yes, I'm so sorry for caring about your education. How ever will you forgive me?" I laughed as I watched Ron try and come up with a counter argument.

"Moony and I are leaving early tomorrow, so I'm going to turn in. 'Night guys."

"Night Harry." They both said as I walked up the stairs.

I changed into my pajamas, then curled up under the blankets. Hermione had been right. It was only the first week back and we had loads to do. It wouldn't stop me from seeing Sirius though. He was my godfather for Merlin's sake! Thinking of Sirius reminded me of what happened with Draco's Mother.

I'm sorry about your mum.

I tried to picture his face as I thought. I felt a feeling of surprise mixed in with the feeling of despair I had felt all day. I knew it was what Draco was feeling, but, at the time, I hadn't known why.

Thank you.

I could feel a flicker of happiness in Draco and it made me smile. I closed my eyes and immediately fell asleep, that smile still on my face.


I woke the the next morning and quickly pulled on a sweater and a pair of black pants and shoes, grabbed my wand, then hurried out of the dormitory. I was already running late for Lupin, so I didn't have any time to waste.

"There you are Harry." Lupin said as I stopped, panting, in his office.

"We will be using floo powder. You have used it before, yes?" I nodded apprehensively as I walked farther into his office.

"Alright then. Off we go." Lupin stepped into his fireplace, which was already glowing green, said quite clearly, "St. Mungo's!" and vanished.

I felt nervous as I walked forward, remembering what had happened back in Second Year.

I grabbed a handful of ash, then stepped into the tickling emerald flames. I kept my head up, hoping to avoid choking on ash again.

"St. Mungo's!" I said loudly and the office was whipped out of sight.

I opened my eyes when the spinning stopped and nearly fell flat on my face. Lupin offered me a hand, which I took, and we both walked to the front desk.

"We are here to see Snuffles." Lupin said with a small wink. The nurse smiled and nodded, then led us down the hall and up a few flights of stairs. We finally stopped outside of Sirius' room and I felt my throat close up when I saw him.

He was laying on the bed, absolutely motionless. I moved quickly to the chair by his bed and sat down. I held his hand in mine and watched his face. I couldn't remember ever seeing it so still. He was never one to be still. He hated not moving. That's why he so loathed being stuck at Grimmuald Place. Well, one of the reasons.

Lupin sat in the chair on the other side of the bed, looking sadder than I had ever seen him.

"What have the Healers said? When do they think he'll wake up?"

I sounded like a child. Like someone full of hope. Which I was. I was determined he wouldn't be dead.

I knew Sirius. His heart would keep beating until he willed it not to. He would force himself to stay alive by sheer stubbornness if necessary.

"They don't know. It depends on Sirius. Right now, he is in a kind of supernatural limbo. He has one foot between life and death. He has to choose which one to go to. On death's side he has your parents, his brother, and every family member he ever pissed off. On this side he has you, me, and the entire Ministry of Magic hunting him down. Each has its good points and it's bad ones, so it's up to what he chooses." I sighed and rested my head on the edge of the bed.

"I just wish he would come back to us." Lupin sighed.

"I know Harry. Me too."

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