chapter five*getting to know each other. part one

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Phoebe's p.o v
I was online on Facebook to check my messages more like see if Dave is online. He had sent me a friend request earlier and I of course accepted.
Dave:hello love
Phoebe:(I could practically feel a horse dancing on my heart) hi
Dave:so do you enjoy your stay in the school
Phoebe:yea, so far everyone has been good to me especially you, who makes me feel the most welcomed
Dave:am flattered, so when are you leaving
Phoebe :leaving?, what do you mean
Dave :I thought you guys will
here for a short time, and tell me about your previous school
Phoebe:we are in Nigeria permanently and there's nothing to say about my previous school
Dave:(what does she mean) staying permanently in Nigeria??
Phoebe :I and my brother was born and lived in the states till a month ago when my parents thinks its time to move to Nigeria.
Dave :wow.
Dave's p.o. v.
Phoebe:I really think I wont like Nigeria but here I am loving it
Dave :aw cute
Phoebe :let's play truth and dare
Dave:OK start
Phoebe:, t or d
Dave :t
Phoebe :how many girlfriends have u, ex or current
Dave:two ex and I am currently not in s relationship
Dave:t or d
Dave :any ex boyfriends or boyfriends
Dave:wow, then you must be virgin Mary (I could feel her blushing).
Phoebe:t or d
Dave:(I laugh evily, i want this to be some kind of 20 question game so I keep picking t) t
Phoebe:who is your crush in our school
Dave:faith(I don't want her to run away from me by saying her and faith).
Phoebe: hmm OK, I really feel sleepy so bye.

She texted before going offline not even leaving me a chance to reply
Dave:sweet dreams love
I replied before dropping my phone, I took a peak at her window, it was closed and her light we're on "can't she sleep with the light on "I thought "or is she doing something "then my question was answered by the sound of loud shattering object. Then it clicked in my brain she's angry who or what got her angry, i don't know but I will find out tomorrow.

Phoebe's p.o. v
I feel dressed up for school tomorrow leaving my room in a mess bukky will be sure to clean it. I sat at my usual spot with swollen eyes, it's obvious I had been crying and I'm sure my concealer is not doing its job in my face.

I feel someone's hand on mine,"are you okay "he asked I quickly removed my hand from his grasp and muttered a cold "I'm fine"
"Your face says otherwise, what's the matter with you, just tell me"
Why is he suddenly showing affection to me he loves faith "let me be"I snapped "fine"he growled angrily "do whatever, I don't care"now he just showed his true character, I felt more hurt as tear clouded my vision but I held it, I am more than that, crying over someone's boyfriend is not me, only if he had not showed me he cared only if he didn't even.... Ugh enough with the ifs my inner devil scolded. I took out my make up wiped my tears and applied a bit on my face.

The school bus drove into the compound and parked at the usual parking everyone and the driver alighted I was about to do the same but stopped as Dave pulled me into his chest.

"Am sorry*he said hugging me tightly "you look all teary and I can't bear it am really sorry "he said I hugged him back and said "its okay "and that one gesture made me want Dave more and more I hugged him impossibly tighter

Chapter five i s completed and I am sure you guys are looking forward to another chapter
. Still me queen.

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