Chapter seven *The kiss and the fight

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Dave's p.o. v
The next morning to phoebe seemed unusually dull, unlike her cheerful greeting, I got a dull hi, I was about to reply her with a peck as usual but she stopped me. What's happening, I asked myself .

"What is it princess "I asked using her pet name and tried to grab her hand but she pulled away unwillingly and I think I saw some kind of emotions across her features.

"Let's be normal, just like the other students, since In actual fact we are not in any kind of relationship, you are not my boyfriend or dare I say you are my ex who dated me for twenty minutes".

I was about to talk but she placed her fingers on my lips "shuss"she said"we are here"she added and I can see the driver alighting with the students.

Then she pulled me closer and starts kissing me, I was confused for a minute but i still returned the kiss and seconds later we deepened the kiss and I was unwilling to let her go. Her lips tasted like sweets unlike faith's which tasted like lime

Phoebe 's p.o v
I was losing control of the kiss, he was taking control I was now sitting on his laps and we are making out like our life depends on it. I love it but at the same time I know I shouldn't, since this is more like a good bye kiss.
Now he was all over me. His hand rubbing my breast start massaging my legs close to my inner thigh,but we froze when the alarm I set earlgier came off
We separated quickly
" its a minute already"I said awkwardly "meaning" he asked"the kiss?the dare?"I said more of a question "I still don't get it" he said frustrated "the dare you gave me was a minute kiss right,and that's it".
The inner devil in me shouted* liar you set the alarm for three minutes,you kissed him for three minutes and you told him it was a minute.

I opened the door shakily and got out feeling accomplished and walked in to my class. I feel all eyes on me as I sat down shyly beside faith, and tapped her,she snapped.

Ugh,her temper is getting unbearable this days
" wow,chill girl, I just wanna ask ,why are they staring at me "I whispered
" let me be,why would they stare at you, its not as if you have something on your face..."she murmured but suddenly stopped

"Wait,what happened to your lips, looks like you've been kissing" she said pointing at my lips suspiciously

"Um no, i mean yes ,sorry maybe" i said nervously
"Whatever, never mind, not as if I care,just take care of your sweaty hands" she shrugged I looked at my hand to see the water dripping like rain drop, I wiped it on my

There are thirty five students in my class and I can feel their gaze on me as i stood up and went out of the class,then I feel someone burning holes in my head,I turned and and saw Dave right behind me,I jumped back in surprise

"Are you okay" he asked"yes,you scared me there"I answered looking everywhere but his face.I noticed there are no students wondering about and we are in front of the girls restroom.
"Let's talk" he said as he grabbed my arm and was about to pull me."stop,let me go"I said removing my hand from his hold"why are you suddenly talking to me at school, if you wanna see me,you can talk to me in the bus,that's what you've been doing, why are you suddenly talking to me at school, please am busy, bye"
I turned ready to leave but he held my hand and after 10 seconds released it.I entered the restroom,I looked at the mirror while washing my pretty as usual but my lips are unusually big and swollen, I guess its the kiss

I let the memory of the kiss come back and I feel my self wanting him more
" no,no"I face palmed my self then went back to my class
The day went by quickly ,I am still thinking about the announcement on the assembly about the mid term which means not seeing Dave never mind I could just peep through my window

No am over him remember, this is my chance to forget I ever had a crush on him, then I heard the bell,its closing time

I walked to the bus opened the door to my usual seat,I saw Dave and immediately closed the door, Dave opened it and held my hands. My eyes locked with faith's Dave pulled me in roughly and growled angrily"you made them see us,you just gave them the chance to...... "Then he stopped when he saw a tear fell from my eyes " you are mistaken, there is you and there's me,there is no us,the us I remembered was for 20 minutes and you shouted on me because faith saw you holding my hand,like seriously you're still hurting me

Dave's p.o.v
...still hurting me"she said and I feel her something in my hand "oh no" I muttered as soon as I noticed I am holding her and not only holding grabbing her roughly,I quickly let go of her hand and I could see a red mark contradicting her yellow skin
I feel my heart fell,I just hurt phoebe, she looked at me with hurt in her eyes and looked at her hand strain intently at it,I took her hand in mine and she winced I sighed,I placed her hand on mine and whispered "I'm sorry" as if she remembered something, she removed her hand and held it with her other hand"just pretend we never interact just like the others believed, bye"she said and I feel tears in my eyes, wait tears?in my eyes?such a joke but then a tear rolled down my face and I quickly wiped it off before she Sees it ,even when faith dumped me,I didn't cry
She got down in front of her house and I took in all her features. Damn she is too gorgeous, she's beautiful

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