Daddy - Part 1 - Dirty

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You were a bit of a trouble maker at school, had no rules and no laws applied.

Until one day something made you change. Another person.

You had a reputation of sleeping with guys at your school.

Now you are pregnant. You are now being home schooled due to being due any time.

You are so excited. You may only be 17 but you have your own 2 bedroom flat, all nicely decorated and ready for going up for sale. Your dad is decorating your house. It was your grandparents house but sadly they passed away.

You were sitting watching TV when there was a knock at your door.

You get up and waddle to the door. You open it to see that lad about you've seen in the block of flats, he is about your age

Y/N: Hey, can I help you?
??: Please! I need someone to talk too. I know this is stupid but I'm having an anxiety attack.
Y/N: Oh god! Come in.

What am I doing? I've just invited a stranger well not complete Stranger into my home. I've spoken to this boy/man for the last few months. Just the usual Hey, how are you etc but I dont know much about him or his name

He better not be a murderer or a rapist, he seems nice. I hope he is

??: Thank you so much, I'm Daniel
Y/N: I'm Y/N. Take a seat. Would you like some water?
D: Please

You go into the kitchen and get some water. You bring it through and see Daniel is rocking back n forth.

Y/N: Daniel, look at me. Take a deep breathe in and out. Keep looking at me and keep trying to calm your breathing down.

Daniel follows your instructions and his breathing calms down.

Y/N: How about you tell me about yourself?
D: Not much to tell, I'm Daniel, I'm 20 years old and I'm in a band. I play instruments, love to flip my phone and omg.... you, you, you are pregnant. I'm so sorry for putting this stress on you
Y/N: *laughs* Its okay, dont worry. My little man is due any day now
D: Will his daddy be angry that I'm here?

You look at Daniel with a shocked face. You dont know what to say. Suppose I'll be honest

Y/N: His daddy isnt in the picture, I was a rebel at school, liked to sleep around etc but that all changed 7 months ago when I found out I was pregnant. Not the best thing to happen or do but hey its happened.
D: How old are you?
Y/N: I'm 17, the babies father does know I'm pregnant but he told me to abort the baby or one time he hoped both of us would die.
D: Oh wow! Sorry he was like that. Where is your parents?
Y/N: They live in the flat above, with my little sister
D: Ah I see, thank you for helping me
Y/N: Its not a problem. Would you like food?
D: I dont want to trouble you. You have enough going on
Y/N: I'm fine with it Daniel, that's just school work sadly.

You walk into the kitchen to start preparing food. You get lost in thought. Thoughts you shouldnt be thinking of.

Daniel knocks on the kitchen door and it brings you out of your thoughts.

You turn around and Daniel is up at your face, he grabs either side of your face and pulls you in for a kiss.

D: I'm sorry, I shouldnt have done that. I just like you. I'm so ...

You cut Daniel off with a kiss.

D: Hmmmm.

Daniel walks away covering himself. You turn off the cooker and follow him.

He is sitting on the couch with a cushion over him.

Y/N: You need help?
D: Mhmmm
Y/N: Are you okay with me being this big? I know it's not a pretty sight.
D: I think you look amazing.
Y/N: Come with me

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