Daddy - Part 2

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D: True. Is it okay with everyone if I move in with Y/N
K: You are old enough to make your own decisions but I'm happy with what ever you decide. As long as you are happy.
J: As long as you are happy with everything and happy with in yourself.
D: Thank you everyone
A: Daniel, you are an amazing brother, friend and son. You wouldn't offend any of us. You have priorities now. You do what's best for you and your family.
D: Thank you so much. I love you all.
J: We will help you move your stuff when you're ready
D: Thank you

Everyone has had a hold of Joshua. He is sound asleep.

D: I best get back, she will start to panic.
J: Congratulations son.
K: We love you son.

Daniel Hugs everyone and heads next door.

D: We're back
Y/M: I need to go now. Got to pick up Y/S/N up from school
D: Oh sorry I totally forgot.
Y/M: No you're good.
D: Is Y/N asleep?
Y/M: Nah she is having a shower.
D: I hope I didnt scare her.
Y/M: She panicked at first but I told her and she was fine after it.
D: How quickly do you have to leave?
Y/M: I can spare 5 minutes.
D: Thanks. I'm gonna run upstairs to ask Y/N for her Chinese order.

Daniel runs up the stairs and sees you sitting on the bed.

D: Hey babe, your mom has to leave but can I have your Chinese order? I'll order it in now.
Y/N: I'm not sure actually. Fried rice, chicken & beef curry and some chicken in batter please.
D: Sure. I'll order it now.
Y/N: Thank you so much babe. Can you bring Joshua up so I can feed him?
D: Will do. Do you want to have a sort of date night in the house? Or do you fancy food in bed?
Y/N: In bed, watching TV please. I need lots of hugs
D: Awww baby. We will be up in 5 mins

Daniel goes back down the stairs, he picks Joshua up and takes him upstairs.

Daniel goes back down the stairs and says bye to your mom

Y/M: Bye Y/N. Love you
Y/N: Bye Mom, love you too

You start to feed Joshua. Daniel is on the phone to the local Chinese. He has placed the order. He gets the dishes ready and glasses.

He comes up the stairs again. He sees you winding Joshua.

D: Let me change him, I need to practice.
Y/N: Okay babe

You help Daniel change Joshua's diaper. Just as he is finished the door bell goes.

He rushes downstairs to answer the door. It's the chinese. He gets everything in the dishes ready to be dished on a plate.

You have a special tray that goes over the bed. Joshua is in his next2u cot, beside your side of the bed.

Daniel starts to bring the food up and goes down for the rest.
He gets in the other side of the bed. You put on the tv and watch a movie.

D: I'm so proud of you babe
Y/N: Aww thanks babe, I'm super proud of you. Thank you so much for everything you've done for us
D: You're welcome. I'll happily do it all again with our kids
Y/N: You think about us having more kids?
D: Em yeah
Y/N: Awww cute, so do I. Then I think of is being older and have grandchildren.
D: Awww babe
Y/N: What are you going to tell your fans?
D: Can I tell them the truth?
Y/N: Sure, I dont mind. Dont mention what the sperm donor said.
D: I won't babe. I'll tell them in a couple days time. Let your dad and sister meet him first.
Y/N: Okay dokey. Daniel I love you
D: I love you too

You and Daniel continue chatting. You got bored of watching the TV but you enjoyed chatting to him.

D: Babe, will you be okay with Joshua tomorrow?
Y/N: Ofcourse.
D: I'll only be next door. I've got to start packing. My dad and Christian are gonna help me.
Y/N: Oh, where are you going?
D: I'm moving to New York. I'm sorry babe, management says we have to live there
Y/N: Oh right. I will miss you

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