Daddy - Part 8

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The pizza arrives just as Daniel has put Joshua to bed.

He goes down and gets the pizza. He brings it up and wakes you up. You eat your pizza and snuggle watching a movie with Daniel.

D: I love you forever and always baby
Y/N: I love you forever and always too

*Skip to next day*

J: Morning Mommy! Morning Daddy!

Joshua jumps up on the bed. He lays inbetween you and Daniel.

J: Wake up sweepy heads!
D: Hmmmm
Y/N: Morning baby
J: Yay! You is up! We has to get weady for surprise!
D: Baby, just 5 more minutes
J: Silly daddy!

Joshua goes to Daniel's cheek and kisses it. Daniel moves his arm and pulls Joshua into his chest.

J: Daddy! Me no breathe! *giggles* Helps Mommy!

You cuddle up behind Joshua. You put your arm around him and half onto Daniel.

D: What a nice way to wake up! Family hug!
J: Breffast pwease
Y/N: Okay baby, let mommy go pee.
J: Oh me needs too! I thinks I wet
D: Okay baby, come on. Let's go get showered

Daniel takes Joshua to the toilet and they both get showered.

J: Daddy, why do men have willy's and ladies dont?
D: God created is differently. So he could tell the different between a man and a woman. Also make women more attractive!
J: Ohhh! Will I get a girl?
D: When you are older you can. You may not like women.
J: Ohhh! Likes Auntie Anna and Auntie Y/S/N. They no like men
D: How do you know that?
J: Me seen them kwiss yesterday
D: Ohhh! Yeah like them.
J: Ah me sees. You goings to wook pwetty later
D: I hope so.
J: Me helps?
D: If you want to baby

Whilst Daniel and Joshua are showering, you quickly shower and put on clean pyjamas. You head downstairs to make breakfast.

Daniel and Joshua come down a little while later in clean pyjamas.

D: Well baby, today I want you to go to this salon. *hands card* Get your hair done, make up done and nails also toe nails. I will leave your dress and shoes out for you. With underwear of my choice *winks* then I will pick you up at 6pm!
Y/N: What? Why?
D: Ahhh I cant tell you! You will see later.
Y/N: What time is my appointment?
D: 11.45am so you best get dressed! I can't wait to see you later!
J: Mommy will look beautiful
Y/N: Thanks baby. What will you two be doing?
D: We are going to get a haircut, I need to pack some stuff for Joshua to stay at Nonna and Papa's, then I need to go into my dads house to get ready.
Y/N: What time is my dad picking Joshua up at?
D: 3pm!
Y/N: What? I'm not gonna see my baby till tomorrow.
D: If you get dressed, you can spend an hour or so with him. Oh and your mom is picking you up at 11.30am!
Y/N: No pressure then?
D: Nope!
You quickly go shower and get dressed. You head downstairs and into the livingroom.

J: Mommy, me miss wu
Y/N: I'll miss you so much baby. I'm going to be so lost
J: I no be far
Y/N: I know baby, it's the first time we've been apart for a long time.
J: Me nos
D: It will be okay babe.
Y/N: I know but I've never been away from Joshua for more than 5 hours.
D: Yeah I understand

Daniel walks away disappointed. You let out a sigh and a few tears.

J: Why Cwy?
Y/N: No reason baby
J: You sad?
Y/N: Yeah! I never do anything right baby. Go to daddy baby, I'm just going to the toilet
J: Otay Mommy

Joshua gets up and walks upto Daniel.

J: Hewwo
D:Baby, what are you doing here?
J:Mommy says me see wu
D: Why?
J: She cwy and has to peepee
D: She cried?
J: Yes
D: I wonder why
J: She say she no do wight *shrugs*
D: Ohh baby. Lets go up and find mommy
J: Otay

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