Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to MA BESTIE SARAH!


I’ve had this written for so long and then I lost the paper, so double upload today! I already started writing the 4th chapter so don’t get freak out. Hope you guys like it!



We were singing happily in the car, my mom was driving me and my sister to school. It was an icy February morning here in Whistler, and my mom was being extra careful. Unfortunately, other drivers weren’t. The chorus of the song sounded hollow and airy, almost distant.

You can take it all away and I'll miss

There's a little bit of you in all this

And you can say you only think you know, yeah

Please, there's a better bit of me to see yet

Cause you haven't seen any of my best

You know I hate myself without you now

Hurts the same when nobody knows

I guess that's just how it goes

And I won't say anything at all

Our car attempted to swerve out of the way, but we were too late. The other driver slid across the ice and slamme-

I woke up in a cold sweat and full of fear. That accident was almost 21 years ago and ever since I had told Josh about my past a few days ago and most night’s I had woken up yelling. My aunt came rushing into my room like she has done some times before. My cousins have moved out a long time ago and now the focus was all on me.

I hated it.

I scrambled for my glasses so I could at least see when my aunt came into the room.

???’S POV

I drove my car to where I knew she was staying. Rachel Endling. That girl had been such a mystery to be since she was born. I’m sure her mother told her stories about me to her. It’s so tragic that she was there when her mother and sister died in the crash. She must have only been 6 or 7 when it happened.

Her sister was 12 then. I should have been around to take care of her. I gripped the steering wheel hard and my knuckles turned white. None of it matter now, I told myself.

I stopped my car and let myself inside. Her aunt Clara-my sister-in-law- knows I’m going to be here. I walked through the giant house that used to hold so many people and found where I needed to be. Clara and a red-brown haired girl were sitting together. “Ryan, it’s nice to see you again, after so long.” Clara said, giving me a hug. “R-Ryan??” the girl said.



YES I FINALLY UPDATED!!! *victory dance* Ooooooo, a cliff hanger, didn’t expect that did you? Short chapter, I wrote this during Science while people were doing presentations. Andddd, I GOT 53 READS AND 3 VOTES!!! Yayyayayyayay…. I only expected my friends to read it but 53 reads? I know it’s not a lot but for the first chapter it’s pretty good in my eyes. Well, I posted the link on tumblr soooo…. Meep. My friend Sarah was spazzing at me to upload today so I got off my lazy ass and wrote. Ok so vote if you like it, add to your reading list, and suggest to your friends!

Keep and eye out within the next few minutes for chapter 3!

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