March 9, 2020

17 2 2

Dear you,

i never realized how much i stare at you. how much i admire you. how much i like to study you, your traits and imperfections. they may be imperfections, but to me, they're perfections. everything about you is perfect.

from your brown--chocolate brown--eyes. your tall 5'6 self compared to my 4'11 self. your unique laugh, tiny dimples, to your cute tooth-gap smile. sure, your teeth aren't perfect, but that's what i lov--like about you...

and your voice. oh, how i love your voice. when you speak, it's like music to my ears. the reassurance i need every day, day by day. when you speak, especially to me, i know everything's going to be okay. because you because you look like a brown-eyed, brunette daniel seavey, heh-heh. 

aside from that, you're just perfect. and, i sort of hate it. i hate that you're cute. i hate that you're handsome. i hate that you're 'hot'. i hate that you're perfect. i hate you. you know why? because i know, for a damn fact, that i'll never be any of those things. and the more i start realizing, the more i'll get over you. maybe, if i weren't an imaginative person.

but no matter what, my heart doesn't want to let you go. my heart lingers for you, it craves you; your existence. even when it knows deep down it won't ever be wanted by you. but how do you ignore your heart and listen to your head instead?


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