Why the fuck did I make this

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What the fuck are we doing here? Also, if you ask me, yes, I will fucking use fuck in every fucking sentence multiple fucking times. It's my favorite goddamn swear. Also, if you want apologies and politeness, go to my other story you twat. If this is gonna be rated mature, I might as well milk it, right? Yeah. I'm so glad you agree. But before we start, I must say that I'm only writing about the hermits Minecraft characters. They have actual identities. I'm just using the charters that they put on YouTube. With some tweaks. Like Grian being a tsundere. And if you don't know what something means, look it up you idiot!! I'm not your mom to tell you what everything is! I'll just tell you about stuff I make up. Also this is set in the world used for season 6. Ok see you at the end.

Grian's POV
I was walking around the shopping district. I don't know why. I was just bored and didn't have anything to do I guess. I was just walking and thinking about nothing in particular, just a certain person. D-don't ask who, it's none of your business! Anyways, I'm walking, and all of a sudden I'm on my back. This was strange. I look up and see Mumbo. Shit. He's on top of me. I mean, I wouldn't mind if it was a bit more private..... He looks at me and speaks.
"Grian! I'm so sorry!" He gets up and holds out his hand. "Here, let me help you." I push his hand away.
"I don't need your help. G-go away!!" I shouted. He wasn't affected. He's delt with me for so long he knows I don't really mean it. Uhh, I mean, I do mean it. I-i hate him! He's the worst!! And nothing about his handsome face or beautiful suit or amazing mustache or his- goddamnit.
"Grian. Come on, I want to show you something." He still had his hand out to me.
"F-fine. But only because I don't have anything better to do!" I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.
"Are ok? You didn't get hurt did you?"
"I am, but if you don't shut up you will be."
"I'm sure I will." Damnit, why does he have to be so hot? I-i mean stupid!!!
"Well, where is this thing you wanted to show me, you dummy?"
"Come on, follow me!" He started running. Really fast. Fuck. I can't run that well.
"Hey! Mumbo wait!! You know I can't run that well!!! Stop, wait!!!!" I continued to shout similar phrases at him while running after him. After a couple more minutes, he does stop. I catch up to him, out of breath and with really sore legs.
"Hey, what was that for? Y-you know I can't run that well Mumbo!"
"You seemed to run just fine."
"Mumbo, my legs are on fire!"
"Alright, I'm sorry. I'll take you to you base after this if you stop complaining right now."
"F-fine. Actually, where are we?"
"Well, why don't you see for yourself?"
I looked up. We were at an ice cream parlor.
"Ice cream!?" I was like an excited kid.
"Yep, and you're not gonna take mine."
"But yours tastes the best..."
"Hmm?" He didn't hear me.
"N-nothing!! Maybe you should open your ears!!"
He just chuckled. We go inside and order. I get my favorite, chocolate and vanilla swirl, and Mumbo gets my least favorite, banana. Nope, definitely not taking that. No way no how. I guess he really does pay attention... Um, we get the ice cream and go to a table. It was really hot out and we didn't want to leave for the time being.
"So..." Mumbo says.
"What is it idiot?" I say back.
"What were you doing in the shopping district?"
"I, uh, well it's none of your business dumbass!"
"Hey, there are children here, keep your voice down."
"W-well that's not my fault!"
"Just don't swear so much."
"F-fine. But only because I don't want angry Karens at my door."
We finish our ice cream and we each pay for our own. I'm mean, not impolite. We go outside, not having anything else to do at the ice cream place.
"Well? Is that all we're doing today? (Italics are whispers? Cuz I wanna spend more time with you..."
"What did you say?"
"Mmhm. So, I promised I'd take you to your base after this."
"Yeah, you did."
"Yep." Then he did something unexpected. He picked me up and slung me over his shoulder.
"Hey! Mumbo, what are you doing?! Put me down!!! Mumbo!!"
He just ignored my yelling. He used to flinch and since when I yelled. Now he doesn't. Oh no, is he going deaf? Uh, I mean, he's going deaf. Good. Yeah... We got to the ocean. He put me down for a second and put on his elytra. Was he going to try and fly me there?
"What are you doing dumbo?! We'll fall if you try that!"
"Do you have a better idea?"
"Yes! A boat!!"
"Do you have a boat?"
"Not right now..."
"Exactly. And since I don't have a boat,  we'll have to fly."
"Fine, but don't drop me."
"I'll try not to." He said that in a way that I just knew that yes, he was going to drop me. On purpose. He finishes getting his elytra on and picks me bridal style. I would get in the way of the wings if he carried me a different way. We figured out a way for him to hold me and still use the fireworks, and we set off. He goes up really high. I start getting ready to fall. I was genuinely scared, what if I hit something? I'd die! And I don't have my elytra, so I can't just fly out of the way. That's why Mumbo's carrying me there. It feels good in his arms... Um, I mean, damnit. I guess you already get it.
"Ya know, if you don't like me, why would you let me carry you?" He asked.
"I-i don't like you!"
"So you wouldn't want to be in my arms, would you?"
"Well, I do..."
"Then you like me, right?"
"Then you wouldn't mind if I did this!"
"Mumbo, no!" It was too late though, I was already falling. Damnit.

That's it from me. Hopefully you enjoyed. Sike! I hope you hated it. Ok bye.

Final word count: 1098

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