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Chapter 7 if your illiterate and can't do simple math. Ugh, why do I even bother? Not like anyone's reading this. Like, I put soooo much fucking effort into this piece of shit, and yeah, the chapters are looong, by my standards, but really really fuckin bad. Is it because people don't like being insulted? Ya know, I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to set some sort of aesthetic. I'm obviously failing. Whatever. I don't care. Here's a bit if my soul dying. *Goes to room and cri*

"M-maybe not enough..." I said
"Grian. How much do you sleep at night?"
"N-not much..."
"When was the last time you slept, excluding tonight?"
"Uhh... Two weeks ago I think."
"Grian! You have to sleep every night!" (Sleeping does not skip night so anyone can sleep whenever.)
"W-why? The phantoms aren't a problem."
"You have to sleep because of you don't, you could very easily die! And that's a permanent death. You'd be gone Grian. Never to be seen again. Then neither of us would have any friends. Do you want that? Do you?"
"N-no, it's just I-"
"No. No excuses. I don't wanna hear it. You need sleep."
"No buts. Now, I need you to make a choice. Either come with me to my base so I can monitor you there, or have me stay here and make sure you sleep here. Basically, choose a surrounding you'd be more comfortable sleeping in."
"W-well, I guess yours, I needed to get away from this thing."
"Alright. I'll be expecting you in one hour. Not a minute later. Understand?"
"I-i guess so..."
"Do you understand Grian?!"
"Ah! Yeah, I understand!!"
"Good. You'd better get packing, you're not leaving my base until you have a normal sleep schedule."
"Uh huh, uh huh, ok, ok. J-just don't hurt me..."
He looked worried, but still left. Also, yes, I did say I have a pain fetish. It was just habit saying that I don't want him to hurt me, ok? Don't get pissy at me for not being consistent. Ugh, I need a drink.

I went over to the top drawer on the left nightstand. The bar drawer as I like to call it. I open it and look inside. A small sample of my collection of alcohol. There's a lot of different kinds, but I think, just maybe, today I want wine. I pick up a small plastic bottle, they're harder to break, open it and take a sip, then close it again and toss it on my bed. I'm taking that with me. Now where's that suitcase? Did Mumbo bring it down with all the rest of this? I look under the bed, nothing. Damn. Oh well, I've got my elytra on. And here are the rockets on the table. I go out to the middle of my base.
"3... 2... 1!" On one, I jump up and shoot a rocket out behind me. That makes me go up a little. I set off more rockets. That makes me go higher. Even more rockets. Hey, it's the magic machine that makes Mumbo's mustache disappear! Just a couple more, aaaand I'm here! Up in the nature room. And hiding spot for, well, a lot of things actually. Hey, is that the tag? Cool! But we're here for my old suitcase, not nostalgia. Ok, I think I put it over there. I walk over to a bush that looks just like any other. But still, I open it up. Ok there's, oh, hehe, that's embarrassing. Forgot I had that, I'mma just move on. [It was a bunch of devices that cause pain, but, well, I think you should get it.] Oh yeah, it was the bush next to that one. I move to the right, and open that bush. There's the suitcase! Lol, once I got hit over the head with this thing. Hurt like a bitch. Did not like that. And you must be saying, but Grian, I thought you liked being hit! Well, my friend, strange entity I speak to, I do, but only in the right mood. And I think it kinda just developed as a way to cope with the, I guess it's abuse, I received until I ran away. What, I'm supposed to stay with an abusive father, dead mother AND have my brother of at college?! I don't know. I'm- I don't- ugh, just go to that perspective that's easier to describe stuff with! (this is a lazy excuse for a transition)

I grabbed the suitcase and threw int down the hole. It'll be fine. It's been through much worse. I think it was waterlogged once. I watch it go down, down, then go thump. See, it's fine. After that, I jump down myself. Once I'm in the bottom layer, I set off a rocket to activate my elytra. Then I gently go down in a big spiral to the ground. Maybe I could make flying tutorials. Just maybe. I pick up the suitcase, that's completely fine, and go into, well, I guess it's my room now. Once I'm in there, I put the suitcase on my bed. I open it and cry. A lot. Damn, I cry a lot don't I? But I have a valid reason this time! In this suitcase, there's a bunch of my mom's old stuff. Not all of it of course, but some of it. I honestly forgot I had this. I took it with me when I ran away if you're wondering. Inside it there's her old music box that plays a pretty melody that I don't know the name of, but I still like it a lot. And there was her old makeup, and there was a lot of glass figurines too. Those took up most of the space in there. But there was still one other thing. Her jewelry box. I pick that up. It's simple, just a wooden box, but it's still very special. I open it, and every piece she had has a place. Like, they were engraved into it. But, strangely, there's a necklace missing. In the shape of a star... Wait... Let me just see something... I put the box on my lap and take off my necklace. I put it in the space, and it fits perfectly. H-how the hell did Mumbo get this?! I-i'll ask him I guess. After I put it back on with it having more emotional value to me, I take everything out of the case and put it in the bottom dresser drawer. I wasn't using it, so it's fine. Then I close it and grab a bunch of clothes from the top drawer and put them in the suitcase. Then I hide the wine in it, because Mumbo'd probably get pissed. What else do I need... Oh, my diary! I write in it almost every day, and NO you can NOT read it. [Shhh, don't tell him, he doesn't need to know. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Don't tell him, ok?]
After that, I grab my toothbrush and stuff like that and check the time. It's... 9:25?!?! I have to go right now! I snatch my phone and charger from the table, grab my phone and fly away. You know how I fly, I've told you before. Don't say you don't, stupid!! I'm not trying to be mean I'm just practicing.
After many rockets, I finally make it to Mumbo's base. I raise my hand to knock.


Where is he?! Was I too harsh on him? Does he hate me?! It's almost been an hour, should I have yelled? Oh, what have I done? I was too mean! Why? He's too cute and innocent looking to be mean to! I'm a horrible person. I-i can never face him again, I should d-
*Knock knock knock*
W-what? There's someone knocking? Oh, let's go answer the door.

I walk over to the door. I was waiting there after hiding some, umm, uhh, not safe for work pictures on all of my devices. Yeah, and the totally weren't of Grian. I promise you. [As you can obviously tell, he's lying.] After wiping my face because I wasn't crying obviously, I open the door. I'm gonna be honest with you, I did not expect it to be Grian.
"Ugh, look finally opened the door. Do you know how many fucking phantoms follow me? They don't even wait for me to be awake for a couple days anymore! Can I come in, I think They are watching me."
"Oh, um, yeah, come in." I stepped out of the way so he could come in. He immediately speed walks past me. This is strange. Phantoms literally can't spawn unless a player hasn't slept in at least 3 days. They wouldn't do that. I have the strangest feeling he's lying to me... Weird. I close the door and face Grian. He's still wearing the same clothes he had when he got up, which is his usual outfit of a red sweater and gray pants with his black shoes. Paired with his beautiful sand blond hair, he's absolutely adorable!! [I tried with his hair color, ok?] Oh, I could just smother him in love and hugs and kisses and whatever else. And he wearing the necklace I found while looking for stuff up top. It was on the floor for some reason, but I just decided to add it in with the rest of the jewelry. So anyways, with him are his phone and stuff for that, the rockets used for elytra, and an old looking suitcase covered in patches and tears. [There rip kind, not the water kind] I guess that's where most of his stuff is. Damnit, I should've gave him a new one. Oh well.
Wait. He's looking at me weird.
"Soo, are you gonna talk? Or keep standing and staring at me like you have for the past 2 minutes, you creep?"
I quickly snap out of it.
"Sorry, didn't realize I was staring."
"Uh huh. So, um, I have a, uh, question for you."
"What is it?"
"W-well, uh, how did you get my mother's necklace?"
"The one your wearing? I found it on the floor on the top layer of your base. I decided to put it with the rest of the jewelry I tried to give you."
"O-oh, well next time, c-can you please give anything you find up there straight to me? There's some irreplaceable things there I don't want to be sold."
"Ok. Why are they irreplaceable, just wondering?"
"Oh, uh, they were my mom's."
"Well then why doesn't she have it?"
"I- well, she's..." He started crying. Wait. His mom's dead. I get it now! Oh, I'm such a dumbass! I go over to give him a hug. If he's gonna stay here so I can make sure he's sleeping, he might as well be comfortable around me. And he just needs a hug. Get in this situation with a friend and tell me you wouldn't do the same.
"I'm sorry Grian."
"I-it's not your fault. If anything... muhmumuh." [That's what Mumbo hears when Grian whispers. He said "if anything, it's my fault" if your wondering.] I hate it when he mumbles because I can't hear his voice, but I just ignore that. I pick him up, this being, what, the 4th time? He had already put the suitcase and other things in his hands on the floor. We'll get them later. I take him over to the couch to absolutely smother him in hugs. A couple steps, and we're sitting on the couch. He's still crying and that's making my shirt wet, but I don't care right now. The shirt doesn't matter. Fuck, I'd rather go without it for a week then see him this upset.
He looked up at me.
"T-thank you."
"You're welcome Grian."

I'm leaving this here. I've been working on it for a couple days off and on so yeah. I changed the title of the book to something more fitting but I can't be bothered to redo the cover. Sorry for the passive aggression at the start from me. Also help with stupid names for chapters if you want ok bie.

Final word count: 2073

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