Getting claimed (Parts 1/2)

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A camper girl stood waiting for them.She was not wearing Alyssa and Chloe's camp T-shirts,but a black sweater and black jeans.When they landed smoothly(thanks to Leo),she just looked them up and down like this was a daily occurrence.Then she beckoned for them to go inside a ginormous command tent with an owl banner,saying with a slight British accent,"Annabeth will want to see the new kids,Alyssa."

They went into the command tent,the weird black-clothing-black-hair-black-eyes girl bringing up the rear.

If the command tent was big outside,it was nothing compared to what was inside.Kids of about Alyssa and Chloe's age huddled over maps nervously.Papers and notebooks were strewn everywhere.

Mr.Brunner rolled over to.a blonde and a black haired-boy( whose eyes reminded Megare of Alyssa)and muttered something to them.They nodded and walked over,the guy pulling a little girl of about four years old.The blonde woman put a hand on her belly as if she was pregnant,but Megare could see no baby bump.

"This is Annabeth,daughter of Athena and Percy,son of Poseidon,"said Mr.Brunner,gesturing towards them."And that is their daughter,Silena."he pointed to the little girl who,now that Megare had a closer look,resembled the couple in many ways.

"It's rude to point,Chiron!"she squealed.Percy ruffled her hair affectionately.

Chiron/Brunner/Whoever he was  merely smiled.Then he waved at the weird camper girl."This is Luna,daughter of Hades."Luna nodded in recognization.

Then something very weird happened.Brunner/Chiron stood from his wheelchair,but where his feet should have been,there were only faje feet.Brunner's lower half was a horse.He was-

"A centaur,"said Megare.

"Yes,"he nodded."Don't be too shocked,you haven't known about Rona yet."

"She's a satyr,isn't she?"asked Cleora.

To Megare's surprise,it was Chloe who answered."Yes,she is.Now let's not dawdle.Annabeth and Percy,why don't you show Megare around?"

"And me!"squealed Silena.

"No,dear,you have archery class and canoeing,you'd better run along,"said Annabeth.

Silena pouted,then she nodded and sprinted off.She ran pretty darn fast for a four-year-old.

"Me and Chloe will tour Cleora,"said Alyssa helpfully.

"Sure!We'll meet again at dinner,bye!"said Percy.

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