Getting claimed(Parts 2/2)

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Megare was terrified for the first time in her life.She'd just been to a mysterious camp,met a centaur,and been told that she was a demigod.And now she was being led around by two grown up demigods,one of whom was pregnant.

Sure.Why not?

Annabeth and Percy talked about the camp's training scheldules,the greek gods,et cetera,and from time to time Percy woupd take Annabeth's hand,which was sweet until Annabeth complained he was being overprotective.

Suddenly,Alyssa and Chloe ran to them,dragging a very confused Cleora."She's been claimed,"gasped Alyssa.

"By whom?"asked Percy.

"Apollo.Point is he's not a god for the time being..."answered Chloe.

"Well then put her with Apollo's cabin anyway.We'll see if she gets a quest,"said Annabeth.

"Of course."

That night at the campfire,they sat and sang weird songs about some granny putting on armour.It was very weird,thought Megare.

She sat next to Annabeth and Luna as she wasn't claimed yet.As thunder rumbled outside,she asked Luna," safe to be outdoors with thunder?"

"It's safe,"Luna said,unsmiling,"We don't normally have bad weather."However,just as she said this,rain started to fall.Framtic campers began running about back to the cabin.

A blazing holograph appeared above Megare's head-a glowing lightning bolt.

The remaining campers gasped,including Annabeth and Percy and Alyssa and Chloe.

"Hail,Megare Rivera,"said Chiron,bowing to her."Daughter of Zeus,stormbringer,Lord of the Sky,King of the Gods."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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