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Dear Eros,

I decided that I'll settle everything with Ningning at work today no matter what happens. As expected, she tried to avoid me again, but I didn't let her get away this time. It was our lunch break and I saw her packing up her things so I took that chance to approach her. She didn't want to say anything at first, but after several minutes of persuading her, she finally told me that she's been having a lot of problems at home and she realized that she couldn't really be there for me anymore. I asked her what she meant and her response immediately broke me. She said that while she still liked me and wanted to continue what we had, she simply doesn't have the mental stability to deal with me and her family issues at the same time.

I asked her not to give up on me just yet, as we were still in the early stages of a potential relationship. She told me that she'd think about it and would just message me within the day about her decision. I left her alone after that and just returned to work even though it was hard for me. I'm sure you would've known the best way to handle this situation if only you were here..


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