Chapter 3

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I opened the door too reveal not Hayes but Nash. He was dressed like a limousine driver with his hat and everything. "Where's Hayes?" I ask
" I can't tell you that mam it's a surprise." Then I got a text from Nash

Just go with it. ;)

I giggle and he offers me his hand and i take it and we walk too the car. I wonder where we're going.

Nash's P.O.V~ k

I'm doing this too make it up too Hayes. But I really like Jessica. In a bestfriend sorta way though. I really like her sister Gianna. And I don't wanna screw anything up. Anyways I think what Hayes I doing for Jess is really cute. I hope he dosnt hurt her. Because the truth is that Hayes is a player. From what I've seen anyways. The car ride was silent and after 10 minutes we got there. I escorted Jessica out of the car and sat in the car. I'll have too be here the whole night waiting for Hayes. Ugh.

Jessica's P.O.V ~

We arrived at the beach and Nash escorted me out of the car. As soon as I got out there was a path of candles leading too..

A rock with a note on it. I giggled at Hayes cuteness and read the note

You have too find me. Keep following the candles babe.

I smiled like an idiot too myself and kept following the candles.

Next was a teddy bear. It was holding a rose with another note.

Keep going babe. Almost there

I laughed and took the teddy bear and the rose.

Next was.. Hayes holding a sign that said will u be my girlfriend. I jumped into his arms and he spun me around.

"Yes" I shout. He then takes me too a table cloth on the floor with a picnic basket. We eat and watched the sunset.
I was lucky too have him. But now I'm gonna mess with him.

" Benjamin isn't the sunset so beautiful?" I say and run away, knowing that he's chasing me. He picks me up bridal style and he walks towards the water. "HAYES NO IM IN $100 DOLLAR JEANS AND THIS IS MY FAVORITE SHIRT." I scream getting mad. He pretends as If he's gonna throw me in if I don't apologize
"Say sorry or you'll be soaked along with your hundred dollar jeans." He saids. "sorry loser" I reply. "Hey I'm not a loser." He pouts "Yes you are. But that's ok case your my loser." I say.

Just then he smashes his lips into mine. My stomach was doing backflips and I felt the Sparks. I pull away realizing what just happened. " I'm so sorry." He saids than looks down at his feet. "Don't be" I whisper then I kiss him passionately. He kisses back.

After that we walked on the beach and he said " listen Jess. I'm going too Magcon tomorrow. I would've told u sooner but I just found out today. Ill be gone for 2 weeks" Is he kidding? He just kissed me he can't leave."oh so you think you can kiss me and then leave me for 2 weeks" I spat then walked away all pissed off. Just then he grabbed my wrist and kissed me again. I didn't hesitate too kiss back. In between breaths he saids " you're coming with me. Get packing I already talked too Bart." That little bastard enjoys messing with me huh? "OH MY GOD YAY" I squeal. " I wish I knew sooner. Gosh I'm gonna be up all night packing" I complain he chuckles.

Hayes P.O.V~

" so when do you start school?" i ask.
" well I was supposed too start Monday but we're going too magcon so as soon as we get back. I'm gonna ask my mom if I can go but I probaly can. She won't mind. Is Gianna going too?!" She asks.
"Oh and yes Gianna is coming" I say.
She squeals with excitement. I'm so glad she's mine. But I'm really scared. I hope she dosnt get hate at school.

Jessica's P.O.V~

" It's 9:30 so can we head back now? I wanna start packing for tomorrow" I say. " yes sure I have too pack too." We grab my presents and go where Nash is waiting. The car ride was mainly silent besides us telling Nash that were official. I thank Hayes and run inside.

"MOM DAD GIANNA!" I scream
They all come running downstairs and ask what's the matter. " I don't know if Gianna told you yet but can we go for magcon tomorrow? It's in New Jersey and it's for 2 weeks. I really wanna go." I say. " yes I already told Gianna you can go. Get packing"

I run upstairs and pack.

(skip packing)

I finally finished packing and its 11:00. I decided too not tell my friends that I'm going too Magcon New Jersey. I know Amanda is a Magcon super fan so she is def gonna be there. I'm just gonna surprise her at the event. Oh and New Jersey is my hometown. I'm really worried if I see my old boyfriend. We had some bad memories. Just then I got a message.

Hey we need too leave by 9:00 am tomorrow morning.

Ok I should go too bed. Thanks for everything.xxxx

Anytime babe. Night.xxxx

I set my alarm for 7:30 am then I dozed off into a deep sleep.

Authors note*****

[Sorry for the short chapter. Things are gonna get better during Magcon. Don't worry drama is too come😉]

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