fighting of 2 heart

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Hi guys .i know up to now the story is heavy with flashbacks and twists.

And I promise it will not be a boring one.even I cant see forth and beam like that.

I just want to say how their characters become so strong and why .before they accept one another....

As per story line and based on their back ground it's not easy just to fall in love like that and accept other. But take it easy

Forth and beams love starts from next part .so just enjoy....

Let's start the story


"I clearly told you to stay away from bea "pha shouted at forths face...

Forth was mad and growled .he was about to attack pha.he even raised his hand but park stopped him

"Forth please stop."

"Pha dont talk like you know everything..he was helping bea that's all."

"How? he helped by giving her a panicked attack " this time pha shouted at parks face.

"Be reasonable pha ,how should forth know that bea will get panic attack when she sees blood.he was helping her when one of the engineer student try to misbehave with her.see this "park showed the video .

And pha feels sorry but before he say anything forrh went from their and park and lam followed him.

"This time you are wrong pha" lam said before leaving.

Forth was so angry.he was
mAd and beast in him are awake
He went to the torture room where cham. Was tied to ropes and he kick kick cham like there is no tomorrow .

This time park and lam didnt stop him.forth stop after his anger subside somewhat.he throw he rod to other side of room and went on.

Park check whether cham is alive or not.he is nearly breathing he send cham to hospital.

Park and lam came to forth.who was inhaling cigar.

"Why.....?"forth asked where park and lam look at each other.

"What is happening to me..."

"When ever I see bea smile I was happy "

"when I see she was sad and tears in her eyes the beast in me awake and I want to burn the world."

"Why. why her"

"I never feel like this to anyone even for wayo who I claimed that I liked him and ready to fight with pha."

"I was never hurt when yo choose pha and reject me.i got angry that's all.
But with bea,when I see she was angry with me it was hurting like hell.why ?, I cant see her angry towards me.

"And now ,when she was in bed and when ever I thought I was the reason for it,I want to kill myself."

"Why? her presence awake all those emotions in me, where I buried deep down in my heart."

"Whatis she doing to me...."forth was crying.

Park and lam are shocked to see forth cry because forth never cry and for bea he was.

"Do you like her forth" lam asked

"I like her!..."forth asked himself

"If I say she already hold a special place in your heart and you are falling for her. Slowly with out knowing yourself."lam clarify the answer for forth.

"I like her.."
"No it's not possible" forth shouted at lams face.

"Ask your heart forth.i know you buried it deep in ground but why I am seeing the flowers in your garden.. Ask yourself..if you denied I cant force you."

"You can lie to us but please dont lie to yourself " lam Said

Forth leave lam and went on...

He rides the bike so fast and without his concern he reached the place which is his favorite.
It's the place where he has all the memories with papa and dad .

As a family they hav so many sweet moments in that garden.

Forth parked that bike and sit under a tree where he used to play with his papa and dad. .....

It's been 2 hours forth was their he didn't get answers to his questions he was still In dinamo when he closed his eyes he heard a voice....

The voice that he miss so much..
The voice that he hate so much..

When he open his eyes he saw arthit souls before him.

Forth cry like hell and placed his head on arthit"s lap.

"Why did you leave me ,papa "forth was asking while he was crying.....

After sometime when he look at arthit soul he was smiling....

"No matter what ?,dont leave her "arthit's soul said and disappear from their

Forth was stunned.

Was it real or his hallucination. Forth thought to himself.but he decided one thing and went on

After some days beam left hospital and again goes to collage.when he learn what happen he felt sad for forth.

Forth always help him and he always misunderstood him.

When ever forth was near him. His heart always beat like happen when he first see forth in med campus.

When forths intimate gaze touch him and when their eyes meet.beam was gone...but he didnot acknowledged his feelings for forth.

1. he is not in a position to like someone
2. PhA said that forth is bad boy and involving with him his like inviting death.he has already seen so much where he is not ready for another.

And 3 ray, ray future is more important than his life

So beam suppressed his feeling. He has seen forth following him so many times and he know forth Has a barrage near his house.he has seen forth so many times their where forth has no clue about all of this.

Beam thought may be one side love never hurts and that day when he see forths beast form he was shocked like hell...and collapsed.

He just want to say thanks for everything that's all
But for a week forth one knows where he is.

Beam tried all places for forth
He even secretly went to eng food court to meet him though that place scared him like hell.

He cant ask pha or kit about forth.why he also dont know.

Finally after 10 days when he see park near the garage he approach him

"Hi park "beam said

First park was shock to see bea talk to him and that to she ask about forth.

"Hi bea.what is it.i will tell can tell me."

Bea hesitate a bit and said.

"I need to talk to him myself.may I know where he is."beam asked

Park was about to say something when beam said.

"Please park, I just want to thank him for everything.only once".he pleaded.

Park sign".only once ,then you wont involve with him in any way "park said coldly.

Beam was a little bit taken back by parks words but the he thinks he also want the he say ok.

"Then meet me at the swing at night 10.i will take him their "park said.

Thanks park

Beam said and went on

He wants to say sorry to forth.

That's it for this part

Thanks megha

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