having family....is a blessing

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"And you are so tempting like chocolate ...I want to lick the whole body...."beam was absentmindedly saying everything in his mind...

"And "forth asked...just brushing his lips on beam...

"And a...and....those lips....I want to suck the juice out of it until it swollen.."

"And "forth was tempting beam...
He press his little monster who already awake of beam talk and body heat....

Beam close his eyes...
When he can feel that....


"Tell me beam.....what you hav in mind."

"Tell me what you want to do ..."forth was just peeking on beams neck and jawline.

Beams hands automatically went to forth hair and pressing his head ..

He want forth to do more..

Bit forth is purposely making every move slow.

.he want to see beam..in high heat. till his patience was gone ....

"Tell me beam...what you want me to do..."
Now forth is kissing..from forehead..eyes nose and he stop on lips but didnot kiss...

Beams patience was reaching peaks and he cant take it when forth lick those lips..

Beam press his lips to forth...beam can feel the wide smile of forth but he is less concern of anything now...

He was kissing forth like there is no tomorrow and forth was letting beam take control over him

Beam was in heat and kissing forth..no enjoying the kiss....but his limit thread was cut when forth catch his bulge and squeeze it....

He release forths lips to moan hut time forth catch those juicy lips and attack them...

Beam gasped in forths mouth only...now forth took the control and he can feel how beams body was shaking..under him

He was about to go down when a knock was heard on door...
Both came to sense and beam throw forth aside and about to go to door...

But forth drag beams wrist and drag him to bathroom ..and closed the door...

He throw beam to the closed door and started kissing him.. beam is trying to stop forth but he knows it's hard and truthfully also dont want to stop....

"Beam are you their...".arthjit enter the room..

"Ye..yes b..ro.."

"I am.. showering" beam.completed his sentence and immediately close his mouth with ha.d beacuse forth suck beams neck and squeeze his bulge...

He moan...but he was trying not to make any noise.....which is so hard....

"Beam.i am hear to call you for lunch...come... fast "arjith said

"Papa...I am ready" ray came and hug arjith..

"Fine let's go when beam came.."
Arjith said...


In the bathroom...

Beam was trying his best not to moan...when forth is biting his nip buds and pinching the other..

"Baby please....bro is waiting....."beam is talking in low voice.....

Forth look at beam which was so just ful....

He attack his lips...and said

"Let them..I cant wait anymore....".forth said

"Please" beam pleaded.

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