a little happiness wont hurt

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Beam was waiting for forth at the swing.since it was night there is almost no one in the ground and beam is swinging the swing.

When he sense someone's shadow behind him he jumped in worry  and fall from swing and hurt his bums.


Beam shouted

When he see forth he was calm .

Forth who saw beam jump and fall on  ground immediately he went to beam.

"Are you ok "he asked.

"Yes, give me your hand bea" asked forth to get her  up.

Forth garb beam   and make him sit on the swing carefully and he took another swing.

"Are you ok" he asked beam.
"Yes I am "beam said.

Forth laugh little.
"Dont laugh "beam was casual to forth like he was with pha and kit.

"Sorry "forth said.

"So what is that you want to talk  "forth asked.

"I want to say sorry and thank you" beam said.

"What for?" forth asked

"Well first about Ray's incident ,sorry  for slapping you and thanks for saving ray ".

"No need beam ,if I was in your place I will do the same" forth said

"And at food courtthanks for helping me and sorry that pha slap you because of me

He was just concerned about me that's all hope you understand"
Beam said

"It's ok.but can I ask about something" forth said

Beam node.

"Why are you afraid of blood. "Forth asked and "why you get panic attack."

"You said one and asked 2  "beam said smilingly.

"Oh sorry" forth said

Beam smiled
"But some thing  happen  in past .that's why" beam said

"Can you tell me" forth asked.

"No forth its past and I dont want to remember that or I want to share it with anyone."

"If the time come I will definitely tell you "beam said.
Forth just node

"Bea"  forth hesitate to talk

Beam look at forth and asked

"What is it forth?"

"This is for you "forth brought an ice cream .

"For me "bea was surprised.
Yes forth said
Beam hesitantly  take it.

"It's my favorite  "beam said

"I know" forth  whispered to himself.
"But why and where is yours" beam asked

"I dont like that much sweet."forth said

"That's why you are like that ."beam said while licking the ice cream

"Like what ?" forth asked seeing how beam enjoys  the ice cream.and he was tempting to lick that lovely lips.

"Sour and hot "beam said absent mindedly and click his tongue and he stop swinging and look at forth.

Weather he is anger or not.
Forth look straight at bea face and laugh whole heartedly.

Beam sign in relief.

"You look good when you smile or laugh.do sometimes.it wont hurt us a little happiness and uts pleasent for others also "beam said
Forth stop laughing and look at bea.

Beam averted his gaze because if he see one more second he will melt like the ice cream in his hand.

"So you feel I am hot..."forth asked

"Not only hot but sore also."
Huh forth raised his brow.

Beam understand what he said..."I mean not that hot I mean hot like fire."

"Ohhhh "forth raised his 2 brows.

"I mean..."beam shuttered...

"It's ok.i get it "forth said and bothaugh.

"How is ray?" forth asked
"He is fine.he asks about you."

After some time forth walk beam to his house.

"So good night" forth said

Beam hesitate but asked

"Forth can we be friends..."

Forth was happy but he say

"No bea ,you dont know about me or my back ground.its danger to be with me and I wont think I can see you hurt like before."

"Like every one said I am live symbol of death and danger.i dont want to drag tou with me to this pit."

Beams face fell.

"Hey it's not like I wont talk to you or meet you. But let's keep distance so that no one guess a relationship between us.Weather it friendship or something else."

Forth give a hint to beam..

Though beam understand what forth was trying to say...he was sad

Ok he said and forward his hand for shake.

Forth shake his hand and hold it.he dont want to leave that even beam also feel the same.

Give me your phone forth said and feed his no.

Call me when ever you feel to talk.

Forth said

....beam asked

Anytime...forth said





Yes beam

What about night .

Yes beam...
Then at midnight..
Beam you are always welcome Anytime to talk to me.

"I was just a call distance from you "forth said and laugh..

And went on..

Beam also bid goodbye and went to his house..

All night it was hard for forth and beam to fall a sleep.the thoughts of other haunted .and they cant sleep and toss in bed.

"Good night bea "forth send a message

A second later he received the reply.

"Good night forth".

Both laugh and went to sleep

That's it for this part


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