he is not innocent..nor angel

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After wonderful holidays everyone was back to normal....

Beam changed his identity to a boy..
And evry one gasped seeing beam as boy...

Though the rumours followed...but because of pha and forths background and their scary nature everyone shut their mouths....

Arjith and kong along with ray move to the pent house of forth...they dont want to seperate from ray...and make him go through all that shit again...

Forth insist that beam should move to him to his room but every was against that idea..

Because they know how beast forth is and how delicate beam is.

They already witness the bold hickeys on beams neck though they wont go that far.....

"This is ridiculous dad..he is my boyfriend.. he can live with me.".forth is fighting kong to make beam stay with him

"No...."everyone shouted arjith kong pha and kit...

Forh throw his hands in air...

"Give me one reason "forh shouted

Everyone show beams neck which hav dark purple Mark's...

"We didnt go that far dad" forth try to make a point...

"Yes baby boy ,if this is the result of just a make out session then you will eat him alive when he stays with you..so a big no...".kong said

"Fine you both live along with kit " kong said...

"Ok forth" jumped hurriedly...

"No "kit shouted.

"Why?" kong asked

"He did that to beam in bathroom when I am in bedroom waiting for them....they will show me live helll if they live with me" kit said

Everyone laugh at how kit narrated the scenes

"And I wont allow that "ming said

Forth signed

Kong look at phana

"Big no..I cant stop him when he has beast mode....."

"And we tooo" park and lam said in course...

"All are traitors for sure" forth said loudly

"We can hear you.".everyone said...
"So what" forth shouted at them.

Forth sighned and looked at beam for help....

"Bro...."beam try to say something but arjith cut him...

"Dont try to convince me..you dont know a thing about this and how beast this blood hav...8 hav gone through that and trust me beam..you was dead in bed for a week if you just allow him for one night."

It's a beast family .."arjith say to beam while eyeing kong...

Kong smiled, where forth was gasping...this is not fair papa.. before forth say something..ray tug forths shirt and he wispered something in forths ear...

Forths eyes light like 100 volts bulb and smiled..

Every one was eying how forths reactions change....they all smell something fishy their...

"Ok forth stood up and said...
If he is not gonna live with me...alone.. then we will live here..we both live here with you all..."

Everyone was surprised how easily forth was convinced to live here with them...but how did this happen.

Everyone look at ray.

Where ray was smiling..happily that he wont miss forth or beam....

"Why did you change your mind" kong look suspiciously at forh...

"Now you again question dad...what is the problem...I am willing to live with you all..."

"I smell fish here"....kit said

"Ya mee tooo..."park ,lam, arjith and even beam node...

"Their you go again.

You hav problem when I live alone with beam and now you hav if I say I will with you all..this is rediculious I say "forth said and throw his hands in air....

.but everyone has seperate room...that is Ray's ,this beams and this is forth your..we will be staying in upper one" kong declared....

Forth smiled widly and he wink at ray that their plan succeeded...

After everyone settled.....

"I still feel something "kong said to a arjith

"Baby you are overthinking..atleast we make him stay with us...they are adults and they find the7ir own way to enjoy but still they ready to live with us...we should consider them some slack...."

"I am worrying about beam..he dont think he can take that beast inside forth....you dont know how he is..I hav seen ...".kong said..

"But still he wont hurt beam..he loves him so much and its the last thing in his mind to hurt him" arjith said...

"Ya that's was right "Kong said

Arjith pouted.....
"Why is my baby pouting now..".kong said whe he round his arms on arjith neck...

"You are not thinking about me.."..arjith said

"Trust me baby every nano second I hav only you on my mind...I am just worried about both of them...."

Kong said

"I know "arjith said when he hold kongs waist and peek on lips...

Both share a passionate kiss...

Other side...

Pha and yo ,kit and ming ,park and lam sit around the table ..and are in their own world of thinking why forth agreed to this...

Forth came while he whistle and was eating an apple...happily

"Forth "everyone called
"What" forth asked

"What is the plan...why you agree to this.."park asked

"Do you think I will tell the traitors what I hav in mind.."forth asked while he chew the apple...

"Please...tell us..."

"Wait and watch."forth went on chewing the apple and everyone can feel like he was chewing beam alive.they look at beam who was playing with ray....

"Poor beam..".pha said

"I pray to god" park and lam said..

"I buy some pain killers today "ming said...

They all look at kit who was silent...
"Why dont you say something "ming asked

Kit looked at forth and beam...
"Trust me beam is not at all poor and he is in this all the time.."kit said

:What..?"everyone shouted..

'"Yes,dont you notice forths neck line" kit asked

"No "everyone said ...
"Beam is more than a beast.".kit laugh and went on...

They see beam with wide eyes who was playing with ray and their eyes widen when forth bend down to take the dropped apple from his hands.

They can clearly see forths neck line and trust me guys....beams dark purple hickeys are so tiny when they compare to forths....

Forth wink and went on.....
They all look at beam....shockingly

"He is not innocent.."pha said

"Nor he is an angel" park said

That's ot for this part

Any guesses what ray told forth in his ear?

Thanks megha

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