1 : We got you, Luna

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The rising sun shone through the slight opening of her curtains. The girl covered her face with the thick duvet, suffocating herself enough to awaken her senses before uncovering herself.

Stumbling out of bed, she did light stretches before washing her face and slightly running her fingers through her hair to undo the knots as she looked into the mirror.

'He wasn't joking when he said I'd turn into a psychopath one day'
She grinned at the memory of her friend poking fun at her cold demeanor. She took a quick shower before proceeding to make a light breakfast.

Walking to her living room with her breakfast, she turned on the TV, the morning news catching her attention. She watched as the news anchor explained the death of her most recent victim, munching on her cereal.

As of today, infamous assassin Luna has yet a new victim. The victim was a professional doctor at FH Hospital. Victim was said to have harassed his patients. Until now, no confirmations are yet to be made. If said victim truly committed the crime, that adds a new criminal case gone cold. As the whole community knows, Luna has only been targeting people in which have done wrong to humanity or the republic. The police and investigators are working hard to figure out the real identity of Luna through these murders

The reporter then moved on to another topic about drug cartel which were busted and burned from an unanimous group but Luna could care less about it.

'It's been years since the first kill yet not a single police showed up at my door yet. The police are useless as fuck'
She got up to wash her bowl, leaving the TV on.

As she finished washing, a knock on her front door was heard. She first grabbed her blade which was hidden within a book on her shelf. She placed the sharp object near the door, where it was not visible to the visitors.

She then opened the door, revealing the sweet middle aged lady who happened to be her neighbour. Yuna flashed a bright smile, mirroring her neighbour's.

Mrs Song saw Yuna as her own daughter as her son was out of the country to pursue his studies. Considering Yuna was always alone at home, made the woman have the urge to protect and care for her, not knowing her true identity.

"Good morning, dear"
Mrs Song greeted, her heart warming at the sight of her neighbour safe and well. Yuna also greeted Mrs Song and inviting her inside but the woman refused.

"Just felt the need to check on you. I just watched the news and was worried. Thankfully, you're fine. I heard you coming home late yesterday. Please be careful, it's not safe outside at night. Anything can happen"
Yuna just smiled before stepping closer to embrace the woman who was almost like a parental figure to her. Mrs Song also wrapped her arms around the girl.

"I'm fine, Mrs Song. Don't worry about me. I'll try to finish work earlier next time so you don't have to worry"
Yuna pulled away from the hug, a ghost of a smile lingering on her face. The woman shook her head, looking at the girl.

"Okay, okay. Here's your mail. I picked it up as I walked here. I need to go now, dear. Stay safe"
Mrs Song waved her hand as she walked away to her house which was beside Yuna's, Yuna returning the wave. After Mrs Song went inside, she shut the door and placed her mail on the desk near her staircase.

She checked the date and realized she needed to go out for a few things. Changing her clothes, she got on her bike before driving to the nearest market. She walked around, stopping by isles she needed from.

She was standing in front of the frozen section when a tall male bumped into her. She got defensive, turning around with her grip tightened.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking. I was trying to find the butter.."
The male said hesitantly, feeling intimidated at Yuna's gaze. Yuna lifted a brow, studying his mixed signals before concluding he was really just confused.

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