#O.15 | camp.

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• ▌│█║▌║▌║[ ღ ]║▌║▌║█│▌•

Chapter XV

It was currently 4pm, it was a break time after doing a bunch of stupid things. Made bird houses, games that involved groups, and bunch more stuff.

But every activity you did, Jimin didn't go near you at all. As if the two of didn't know each other. You couldn't help but glance at him from time to time and he actually caught you staring at him.

Your eyes met his, and you smiled, while he did nothing. No emotion, not even a nod, he just looks at you with cold eyes before turning back to that wrenched girl.

You sat in front of Taehyung and Hoseok's tent while you chugged down a bottle of water. Your eyes was piercing through the girl, she was so touchy with Jimin and it annoyed you so much.

Without you even realizing, Taehyung sat next to you and notice your nasty look. He looked at the direction you were looking at and he saw a girl being super touchy with Jimin.

Taehyung was so mad. Why is Jimin not doing anything?! Taehyung thought as he clenched his jaw. He hates the fact that you're getting hurt and Jimin doesn't even give a fuck about you. Even though you're right there looking at them.

You finally noticed Taehyung when he got up angrily, and started walking towards Jimin and the girl. You immediately grabbed his arm and held it firmly. Taehyung looked over his shoulder to meet your sad gaze.

"Please don't.." You said silently.

"He's hurting you! Right in front of you!" Taehyung raised his voice as he tried whispering. "If I don't do anything about it, then it means I don't care about you."

"But if you do it, you don't understand me.." You shut your eyes as you tried your best not to cry. "Jin doesn't know. You know that right? If you made a scene there, Jin will know that me and Jimin are dating."

"Then that's better!" Taehyung exclaims angrily. "Jin will know you're dating Jimin and Jimin's cheating on you. So he'll get twice the beating."

"Tae, please..." A tear rolled down your cheeks and you immediately wipe it.

Taehyung sigh heavily. "Fine." You almost squeal of happiness as you hugged Taehyung tightly. Saying thank you multiple times.

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