Karl-Anthony Towns SIX

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Julia Towns-Simmons POV:

I took off my shoes and put my purse on the table.

"Babe...... babe."

There was no answer.


The hallway light was on. Some of the light flashed into the room.

There laid my 7'0 man.

He had on his black Nike sweats with the blanket to his waist. Leaving his bare chest out.

I stood there looking at him. Thanking God for taking his time on making this artwork of a man who is my husband.

I walked to his side of the bed and sat there waiting for him to notice me

"Babe..." I said as I caressed his face.

He woke up.

"Where's Marcus." He asked.

"He's staying with Olivia tonight."

He just gave me a look. It wasn't the look of "what the hell are you doing here? I told you I didn't want you here." It was just a look.

"You want to scoot over?" I asked.

I got under the covers and laid my head on his chest."

We laid there in silence for a while until I finally spoke up.

"Before I say anything, I first need to let you know that you not wanting me and Marcus with you tonight to hurt Karl. And the fact that you sent some dude with a note..... you couldn't even text or call me?"

"I know... and I'm sorry. When I got here I knew not having you guys here was wrong." He said as he sat up.

I got up and straddled his waist.

"Babe. Look at me."

"What happened down there? Why did all of this start?"

"Nothing. It was just a competitive game."

"Karl, you know that's bull shit. Tell me what happened!" I asked.

I saw his interview after I talked to Devin. Competitive game? My ass. Something else happened.

Karl just sat there quietly.

"So you want to tell me what happened?" I asked.

He didn't say anything.


I couldn't take it. I got off of him. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

As I was about to start running the water for my hot bath there was a knock at the door.

I knew it was Karl. I just didn't want to open it.

Karl opened the door and made his way in.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

"So we can sit there and you not say anything?" I asked.

"No... I want to talk." He said as he held out his hand.

I took it and we walked to the bed.

I got in bed and Karl followed. We were again in the same position as before with my head on his chest waiting for him to explain.

"It started in the locker room." He said.

"What started in the locker room?"

"The guys were talking about how they heard that Joel was saying that you had a thing with Buttler."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Me with Jimmy Buttler? I could never imagine.

"And you believed them?" I asked.

"What? No!" He said.

"Karl you obviously do since you punched him mid-game!"

"I'm sorry. Ok. My relationship with that piece of shit was never good." He said.

"Yeah well, now your son is gonna know it too," I said as I let go of him.

"That wasn't the only reason." He said.

"What else did he say?"

"Marcus." was all he said.

"What did he say about Marcus?"

There was that silence again.

"What did he say about our son Karl!?" I asked.

"The rumor is that Marcus isn't mine," he said.

His words hit me like a shitload of bricks. Saying that I cheated on my husband was one thing but saying that Karl wasn't the father of our child made my fucking blood boil.

Other people talking shit about my son on the regular pissed me the fuck off. Now, this.

Karl has tears coming down his cheeks.

"Babe... Karl, look at me!"

Karl raised his head.

"You honestly think that I would cheat on you and let him put his seed in me?"

At this point, I was crying too. This shit got me so hot. It was unbelievable.

"Do you?" I asked again.

Karl didn't say anything again.

"You do? Don't you?" I said.

He said nothing again.

"You know what Karl. Fuck you! Because I would never do some shit like that! And the fact that you're believing him instead of me... your wife. That's some bull shit right there!"

I got out of the bed and grabbed all my shit.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Julia stop!" He said

"No! I'm out of here!"

I hadn't brought a lot of clothes for this trip. I finished packing my clothes and went to pack Marcus's

"What are you doing with our son's clothes?" Asked Karl.

"Oh! So now he's your son? You know what Karl? Leave me alone!"

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Liv's. I need some time to think."



"What?" I said facing him.

"Don't go."

"You want your space to have at it."

"Don't do this." He said.

I walked up to him and looked him dead in the eye.

"You started it. By trusting some dude you have beef with and not me, your wife... and the mother of your children."

His expression completely changed.

"Children?" Asked Karl

"Yeah Karl. Another one. Do you want to test this one? To make sure it's yours." I asked as I walked out of the room with my stuff and left the hotel.

I was down in the lobby. I kept on turning back to see if Karl would be there. But he wasn't.

I didn't want to bother Luke again so I just got in the first taxi I saw and left.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Liv.

"I'm coming back," I said.

"Julia, what's wrong? Are you crying?" She asked.

"I think we're over," I said.

"Julia, what the hell is going on?"

"I just told you, Olivia. I think Karl and I are over."

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