the reason i love this ship UvU

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I don't know why I wrote this ._.
Probably because most people have quite the same reason and is it completely different from me? It might also be because I'm bored too :v

Anyway, I read the comments and found that mots people ship NightKiller because it's cute. I don't really have problems with this because it's one of my original reasons as well. But for me it was only a small part, the real reason I ship them is because of their relationship, their relationship is very interesting, quite funny and very sad (This is probably the only difference with everyone's reason ._.)

* The post has a lot of personal opinions so don't hate me .-.

To explain why I see this as a sad relationship, I have to talk about both Nightmare and Killer.
Oke, start with Nightmare first, everyone knows he is a god of negative emotions and that makes him unable to feel love.  But love is a neutral emotion so it's not impossible, the problem is

"How can Nightmare know that he in love with someone?"

The answer is, let love make him feel miserable ._.
I've been thinking about this for a while, since love is a neutral emotion so both Nightmare and Dream can feel it.  Dream is a god of positive emotions so he will know who he loves when that person makes him happy, on the other side, Nightmare only feel negative emotions so he only knows he loved someone when that person makes him suffer, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

In the story about Killer, he left Nightmare to follow Color and called him "an idiot!" to, this made Nightmare feel very shocked, surprised and sad. Maybe at that moment Nightmare realized he had fallen in love with Killer.  It sounds unconvincing, isn't it ._.?  Anyway, I still have a lot to prove.

Nightmare caused Killer to lose his emotions, making him only think about killing, because of this, Nightmare might be very confident that Killer will never betraying him, he can do anything. He can do anything he wants to Killer including watching him suffer with bad memories and other things else. As long as Killer didn't feel anything, Nightmare would never worry about being betrayed by him.  Until Color appeared, made him feel again and made him almost return to being a good person, it made Nightmare angry and he must always watch over Killer wherever he was so that Color can't approach to Killer. Nightmare's thought from "Killer will never betray him" changed to "If Killer doesn't contact Color then he won't betray him!", he didn't think "Color's words affected Killer's mind" and then that betrayal happened.

Think about it, if you have a pet, You are always sure that pet will never leave you so you treat it quite badly, until it suddenly leaves you to following another owner, how will you feel?  Suffering, sadness and regret, right? Nightmare kinda like that too

"If only I had treated him a bit well! If only I cared about him a little bit at the time! If only I hadn't done that to him then this thing probably wouldn't never have happened!"

Those were probably Nightmare's questions at that time.
Oh, and since someone told Cross and Killer are very similar and ship NightKiller is the same as Crossmare, I want everyone to know sure that Cross betrayed Nightmare like Killer but both are different (That thought made me uncomfortable, I hated that thought so I wrote this part here)

1) The time Nightmare and Cross are in the team is very short, it does not have enough time to create a relationship like with Killer. Beside, Killer kills because this is his hobby, Cross kills because he is forced to do it so if he doesn't want to kill anymore, he will intend to betray, Nightmare may have realized and trust with Cross will be only a half

2) Killer and Cross betrayal are different in points, Cross is still being pursued by Nightmare (with Killer) but Killer is not.  Normally people would think this means Cross is more special than Killer.... no, that's not real, 40% Nightmare came because of Dream there, 50% came to destroy the village and the other 10% was to kill Cross (who  Reading Comic Cream also saw that Night was mostly destructive). As for Killer, I think it's because of love (this is just my think). Because when you love someone so much, you will want they to be happy, not forcing them to be with you or else they will leave you someday. Nightmare is the same, he's an intelligent person so he will certainly understand this, understand that in love sometimes we have to learn to let they go because their happiness is our joy. That why Nightmare doesn't come to Killer again.

So that is Nightmare, what about Killer? He can't feel anything so how can he fall in love with Nightmare? Of course Killer still can loves, but he realizes it's quite late.

Nightmare and Killer have been together for a long time, During that time, there will certainly be happy and sad moments but unfortunately, Killer cannot feel them. After meet Color, Killer was able to feel it again, until Nightmare ruined it and made him lost all his emotions again... well, almost.  The remaining emotions were enough to make Killer had a feeling with Nightmare, but because Nightmare just did a bad thing to him, all the feelings that him have for Nightmare is hate, he wanted to leave him immediately.

It's like when you just meet an old friend and you don't remember them too much. And That person treats you badly, doesn't even allow you to approach what you like, what will you do then? Of course you would want to get rid of that person right away, so Killer's case is the same.

After escaping from Nightmare (and calling him an idiot), Killer was helped by Color to have his emotions back and can feel everything around. This is the time when Killer can feel exactly his feelings for Nightmare, and when the memories of the days when they were together were coming back, Killer no longer hated Nightmare, but instead he misses him
(In some questions about Killer in Rahaf's Tumble, someone asked if Killer remembers Nightmare or not and the answer is, yes. So I thought about this)

The more he remembers, the more emotion he feels, the more he wants to see Nightmare again, combined those things together, I can say that Killer has fall in love Nightmare (again, this is my personal opinion!!). Killer would really want to see Nightmare to speak out about his feelings, but since he can't see him anywhere and Color doesn't want him in danger when he comes to Nightmare, so this feeling will never be revealed. it will only remain in the Killer's heart only.

This is the reason why I ship NightKiller, because I like sad things and their relationship is very sad, it has many regrets. If Nightmare could recognize his emotions earlier or treat Killer a little better, it would have been less sad ._.
And if Killer realized his feelings earlier, it would have happened like my   Hanahaki oneahot :v

Wao, 1291 words for the part about why I like NightKiller, it's longer than I thought .-.
Anyway, this is just a personal thought and I'm just trying to say why I ship NightKiller.  If there's anything you don't understand, just comment, I'll explain it clearly :3

Or maybe I should write it as Oneshot to make it easier to understand? What do you think .__.?

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