Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Jason! What are you doing here?" Alison sighed in both shocked and yet relieved to find a familiar face instead of some kind of a strangely being.

"I should ask you that question. What are you doing here?" His face puzzled while he walked and took a seat beside her as she scooted to the side.

"Zoe told me about this place. I just thought... to try to come here."

"Alone? By yourself? Unaccompanied? Seriously? Do you not watch criminal mind or news on TV?" He questioned, purposely obtuse.

"Yeah well... I'm still here." She was lost for words. She was alone but she has always liked to sit alone by herself and enjoy the nature, no matter how odd it may sound.


"What about you? What are you doing here? Is this like your spot or something? Are you here alone too?"

"Yeah kind of." He simply said and they sat there in silence.

"Alone? By yourself? Unaccompanied-" She mimicked.

"I don't really look like those damsels in distress, do I?" He lifted his brow as she scoffed.

"You look nice with your hair down like that, Ariel." He said breaking the silence which instantly made Alison ran her hand through her hair and just realized she had let her hair down and left her glasses at home as well. She was not expecting to meet anyone from school, especially him!

"Do you actually watch the little mermaid when you were a kid?" She asked.

"Of course, along with sleeping beauty, cinderella, oh and my favorite is definitely beauty and the beast." He smirked stealing glances towards her.

"Because the beast reminded you of yourself. Wow... You watched it with your sister?" She made a wild guess.

"Yeah! We only got one TV and my mom always let her have the TV since she was younger than me and made me help around the house instead."

"Well, that explains it." She said wrapping her arms closer around her body, feeling slightly chilly, internally cursing herself for not bringing a jacket before she left. Jason seemed to notice and took off his jacket, wrapped it on her shoulder.

"Thanks. So, do you usually come here by yourself?" She asked.


"I didn't know you're the mellow kind of person." She teased bumping him with her elbow.

"I didn't know you're the mellow kind of person." He responded turning sideway looking at her, their eyes locked. Her heart started to beats harder, her heart rate increasing which forced her to break their gaze, making her flushed.

"How long have you been here?" He wondered.

"An hour or two, I guess." She shrugged.

"Your mind has been deliberating for the past couple hours, then. How are you doing, Alison?" He asked making her caught off guard with such a simple question but the way he asked was so sincere, like he demanded to know her true emotions. There was a telling of silence.

How am I doing? Am I fine? I'm not fine. I'm trying to move on. I'm still devastated. I'm defeated. I'm lonely. I'm lost...

Without realizing, a tear fell on her cheek but it was too late to wipe them as he already noticed it by the way he furrowed his brow. He caressed her cheek with his thumb, his touch was tender and gentle. Taking a deep breath, she leaned her head on his palm which cupped her cheek perfectly. Closing her eyes shut, letting another tear slip down her cheeks, ignoring the moral senses and just lets herself feel vulnerable in his comfort. He tugged her small frame in his chest and naturally stroke her long soft hair.

"Thanks, and... sorry for crying. Silly me." She chuckled still leaning on his shoulder as he continued to run his hands on her silky auburn hair.

"Don't apologize for your feelings. Want to talk about it?" But she just shook her head lightly. They continued to sit in each other's embrace until her stomach started to rumble.

"Someone's demanding their dinner. Want to grab something to eat?" He smirked.

"Embarrassing. Yeah, sure. Let's go." They went to their respective vehicles and convoyed to the diner place near the school. After parking their car and motorcycle, they went inside the diner together after Alison tied her hair into a bun again. Unfortunately, as they enter the diner, she saw the last group of people she wanted to see, sitting at the corner of the diner. Cursing under her breath, hoping that they would just leave her alone. Unfortunately, Ivy saw her with Jason and quickly cocked her head towards Mia, Amber and two other girls who then lifted their gaze towards her. In unison, they stood up and walked towards her.

"Hi guys, didn't expect to find you both here, together... It's a date." Mia stated and gave them her best smile.

"No, we're not-" Alison blushed.

"I understand." Mia quickly answered, with a smile still plastered on her face.

"And don't worry, I won't tell Jen about this." Mia whispered loudly giving him a meaningful look and a wink.

"I'll see you guys at school. Have fun, guys." Mia waved enthusiastically and left with her other friends.

"Who's Jen? Wait, forget that." She blurted.

"She's one of Mia's friend whom you saw at the Halloween party." He stated nonchalantly.

"Oh, Halloween. Sorry and thanks again for that."

"No worries. Ignore her." He continued.

"Thanks. Appreciate it." Alison smiled, feeling glad that somehow, he noticed about the tension between her and Mia and the girls.

"Yeah like what you did between me and Rob."

"Right, about that, I was being rude to you. I guess I just assumed the worst and accused you. Layla explained what's going on and I think I owe you an apology. I'm sorry." She said sheepishly.

"Wow, two apologies in one day. It's my lucky day. And it's fine. I get it. You simply can't stand seeing someone being bullied or something. It's something that I admire from you, actually." He responded.

"Wow, coming from you? It's my lucky day as well." Her face lit up with impish glee and they ordered bacon burger, cheese burgers, two fries and two cokes.

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