Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Thanks, mom. Jason will be dropping me off later after work. See you later." Alison stepped out of her mother's car and went to her last day of work for this week. Madam Moreau scheduled her to teach every weekday during the holiday. Starting with the younger children, Alison was uplifted watching them twirling in their little tutus and tiny shoes. She finished the second class teaching them on the five fundamental positions which they managed to master quickly. Looking at the time, she still had another hour before Jason would pick her up from the workshop, thus decided to put on her pointe shoes and practice a simple routine, just to stretch out since she had not worn her pointe shoes for almost a year. Her heart raced as she twisted the laces around her ankles.

What am I doing? I'm not ready.

You're just warming up, that's all. Deep breath, Alison. Let's just start from the first position. Deep breath, Alison.

Madam Moreau was watching from behind the glass door looking at Alison who was trying to achieve a Grand Fouetté Relevé En Tournant.

"Beautiful, you just need to continue to build your strength. Stand by the wall with your right leg in second. Plié deeply and then stretch through relevé. Do 15 reps, and then repeat on the other side. It is applaudable for someone who had not danced for almost a year." Madam Moreau commented in her strong French accent demonstrating the move while she imitated her moves.

"You have talent, Alison. The graceful turns and your passion for it makes you an amazing dancer. You use your emotions when you dance, you engage with your feelings through every move. Don't give up." Madam Moreau said through her sad eyes and walked out of the room. Alison collected her things and was about to walk towards the door when she saw Jason standing in the hallway looking through the glass door, looking rather stunned.

"I finished early and Mrs. Alby told me to find you here since your class ended like forty minutes ago. I thought you'd be working on paper work or stuff like that, Wow, I didn't expect you to be... teaching ballet instead." Jason said studying her outfit from head to toe making her self-conscious on the figure-hugging ballet outfit which complimented her curves.

"Yeah, my mom kind of forced me into this." She excused.

"Oh, I see." Madam Moreau yelled from somewhere.

"But I loved teaching the kids! Very much! And this an amazing opportunity... which I am grateful for!" She immediately yelled back.

"Good to hear." She responded flatly from afar while Jason chuckled looking at her guilt-ridden expression.

"Give me a minute, I'll go change." She blushed realizing Jason was in front of her. They walked out of the building and went to grab dinner together.

"So, you started dancing again?" Jason asked taking a spoonful of pasta in his mouth.

"Just teaching the basics. Wait. What happened there? I didn't notice that earlier." She furrowed looking at the faint bruise below his left eye, reaching her hands out gently brushing over it.

"It's nothing. My phone fell on my face when I was texting last night." He joked, shrugged, brushing it off.

"Does it happen to fall a few feet above you? Cause that does not look like a phone fell on your face, trust me I know from experience." She pressed knowing that he was lying.

"It did and it's fine. I'm fine, seriously." He smiled avoiding to answer her. She sensed that he's hiding something but decided not to press on the matter since he was evading her question so she let it slide while mixing her Caesar salads.

"Why did you stop? Dancing, I mean." He asked the very question she wanted to avoid. Stabbing her lettuces, she was lost for words.

"Just... needed a break. It's... hard being a ballet dancer. The endless practices, the aching feet, the training." She murdered the Romaine lettuce which looked more like a mushed green instead of a crispy salad.

"Everything has a price to pay. You love ballet." He stated, not really asking.

"Yeah. I do."

"Why do you stop, really?" He asked again not believing her initial excuses.


"Sorry. I should stop pestering." He noticed the sudden change in her expression that turned solemn but responded with a small smile.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" He asked making her lifted up her gaze to him.

"Sure." Should she? They finished dinner and drove to the lake just as the sky dusked. Sat on the bench where they had sat before, looked up to the dark blue sky and the calm clear water that reflected the brightest stars on it.

"It's just as amazing during the night." She was astonished.

"Indeed." He stated, his gaze fixated on her, making her turned her head towards him who was staring straight into her soul with his beautiful brown eyes. He leaned in closer placing his right hand on her cold cheek brushing his thumb on her plum cherry lips. His eyes dazzled under the moonlight that never left her captivating blue eyes but eventually he broke the stare and leaned back. Puzzled, she thought he was going to kiss her which made her heart raced irregularly yet was slightly thankful that he did not, she would not know what to expect afterwards from it. She shivered at the thought as the cold breeze blew which he noticed.

"Come here, we'll get warmer, together." He stretched his arms out wrapping her shoulder as she snuggled closer to his chest and they watched in silence the swaying silhouette of the trees. 

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