Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

"Remind me again why am I here?" Alison asked in irritation as they walked towards the crowded house.

"You're here to accompany and help me forget the guy who kicked me out of his home just because I won't sleep with him." Zoe chirped.

"Why here? Why now? I love you, Zoe but sometimes you're a real pain in the ass."

"Oh, it's just a party, Ally. Sure, Layla isn't here. But we can still have fun, right?" She smirked.

"Yeah none of the boys are here too. I just don't feel comfortable with just the two of us here, going to whoever Owen's house, is." She added.

"Come on loosen up. It'll be fine. It'll be fun!" She pulled her inside the house which was already packed with sweating and increased hormonal teenagers. Zoe grabbed each of them drinks and gulped the burning liquid instantly. Alison barely sipped her drink, afraid that she might get drunk at the wrong time. She only informed Jason later that evening that Zoe wanted to go to a party and had begged her to accompany her hoping that it might help her forget Tristan. However, Jason was held up back at the workshop working on a car which needed to be done by tomorrow.

"Come on let's dance!" She pulled her arm into the minimum space provided and started dancing. Zoe noticed that Alison had not been wearing her thick glasses anymore for the past few weeks and decided to motivate her refashion journey to move onto the next phase, thus pulling off the scrunch off, letting her long wavy auburn hair flowed down over her shoulder.

"Zoe! Why'd you do that! Come on, give it back."

"You look way nicer like that. Just entertain me for tonight." She giggled as they continued dancing. After a few rounds of drinks, Zoe could already feel the ground tilting, music fading into a faint thump. At the corner of Alison's eyes, she saw a glimpse of Tristan somewhere and decided to pull Zoe away before they bumped into each other tonight.

"Come on, I think it's time to go home. I'm getting tired already." Alison reasoned but Zoe refused to go home just yet. They walked further inside the house looking for a bathroom and once they walked out of the bathroom, they bumped into the one person she has been dreading to meet. It was even worst when they realized that he was busy with another girl's face. Alison turned to the side, looking at her fuming friend who was ready to snap his neck.

"You are such a jerk! I am glad that I walked out on you. Unbelievable! All those sweet things you did were just an act trying to get in my pants, huh? You're despicable. You're even lower than-" Zoe screamed pressing his chest with her index but was quickly dragged out by his strong hands. Alison tried to part his hands away from Zoe but his height towered over her frame.

"Let her go! Hey! I said let her go!" She continued trying to release his strong grip on her friend. Once they finally stepped out of the house, he threw Zoe's petite body down to the ground like a bag of trivial trash. Alison helped her friend who was basically steaming furiously after the impact.

"You are such a jerk! How dare you treat me like that! Who do you think you are!" Zoe yelled out.

"You're crazy. I don't need you yelling at me, I can't even stand your blabbering all these times. Glad I got rid of you!" He shouted back which made Zoe more furious so she started hitting him.

"Crazy bitch!" He violently pushed her off which made her fall to the ground again, Alison helped her up again, stood back up with rage boiling through her chest.

"Don't you ever lay a hand on her. You hear me!" Alison seethed.

"Or what, baby doll." He smug studying her pretty face, then took a step forward standing uncomfortably close in front of her, challenging her. Not intimidated by his action nor his tall figure, she did not take a step back.

"Doesn't matter what I'll do, just know that I will make you freaking pay for it. Got it?" She stood her ground emphasizing on the word will. Unexpectedly, he suddenly snaked his hands around her waist, pulled her close, making her chest to slam against his while he stole a forced kiss on her. She tried pushing him off of her, but when it was to no avail, she kneed him forcefully where she knew he would yelp in tremendous pain. Next, she swung her fist in the air and made contact to his cheeks, making him stumbled to the ground.

"Don't you mess with me, jerk!" She yelled, now suddenly feeling a sudden throb on her knuckles.

"What is going on?" Cole ran towards them hearing the commotion and the few people crowding around them.

"Damn, Tristan! Red? What the hell?" He asked wondering what had happened to his friend who was holding his crotch like he was holding onto life itself then turned to Alison who was rubbing the back of her palm while blowing onto it as if it could ease the pain.

"He was being an ass and I just showed him not to mess with us. We're leaving." She pulled Zoe who still stood watching in bewilderment.

"Alison rocks! Tristan sucks! Woohoo!" Zoe cheered in astonishment.

"Keep it down, Zoe. Now, let's get your wasted ass home." Alison dragged Zoe who was still jumping up and down in bewilderment and glee.

The next day, Alison was staring at the ceiling trying to replay what happened yesterday. She cursed herself for getting involved and making a scene with Tristan but she mentally patted herself for standing up to the jerk and defended Zoe. Just then, her phone buzzed waking her from her thoughts.

"Yes, Zoe? I hope you're over that douche jerk after all that we went through last night. I know. And I'd appreciate it if we just keep this between us, I don't want to blow this out of proportion and cause unnecessary tension. Alright." Alison requested and hung up the phone after she made sure that Zoe remembered everything and kept the memory to herself. It would not be appeasing if Jason knew how the night had ended knowing that he had initially insisted to go with them or how he would react afterwards.

The following morning, Alison walked to school with Jason by her side, mentioning as little information as possible that Tristan and Zoe broke up for the better excluding the details of why and what happened especially at the party. She reasoned that Zoe pleaded not to tell anyone about their relationship which was partially true, she did ask her not to tell anyone. But why does her heart felt a lump weighing her down. She walked inside the class with Zoe who was already seated at her place.

"Thank goodness, I've not heard the rumors spreading which means that they had not known about the little incident with Tristan the other night." Zoe whispered discreetly.

"Yeah, let's just hope it stays that way." Alison responded.

Alison and Zoe were walking to their table in the cafeteria when Amber purposely tripped Alison causing her to stumble and scattering her lunch to the floor.

"What is your problem!" Alison snapped.

"Oh, I am sorry. I think you tripped on your own foot, that's what happened." Amber said innocently.

"Your pretense is truly repulsive." Alison snapped not wanting to stay any longer but caught a glimpse of Tristan scowling and kept his gaze on her as he walked passed them, not minding the drama.

"Well, well. I wonder what did the little nerd get into this time. Always in trouble, huh freak?" She sneered noticing the awkward tension between Tristan and Alison.

"Think what you want. You've the time in the world to waste." She rebuffed and walked away pulling Zoe towards their table where Layla, Rob and Loraine were questioning on what happened. Luckily, Jason and Shane were busy at their football practice. 

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