Snooping Around

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Meanwhile back at the camper's tents, David is setting up a new tent for Amber. Max and Neil linger around with David discussing random topics. David puts the finishing touches on the tent and stands up. "Isn't it exciting to have a new camper want to come here from another camp?" David says. Neil interjects, "Well to be fair she was removed from her last camp, so trust me I don't think this was her first choice." "Oh yeah... I keep forgetting that, but we should still give her an official Camp Campbell welcome." David says with a smile. 

Max jumps in "I've been saying this all-day - Amber is still apart of the Flower Scouts and was just sent here to help them achieve whatever they're planning. It's so obvious - she avoids answering why she was kicked out, she conveniently ran into us in the forest out of all places, and she agreed to come to THIS CAMP with no hesitation - and none of you are smart enough to question ANY of that?" "What Amber chooses to disclose is her business and we should just respect that," David says sternly. "Yeah and we know the Flower Scouts are vicious, they could've kicked her out for many reasons." Neil included. "Whenever someone new shows up everything always goes to shit. You'll all see." Max says with an annoyed voice. 

Gwen joins up with David and gives him the status of Amber's enrollment. "She just needs to pick her camp now," Gwen says. "GREAT!" David says, "maybe I should recommend her some camps." While Gwen and David were discussing Amber, Max notices Snake sneaking around in the bushes. Max gets suspicious of what he was doing and decided to go and investigate. 

Max confronts Snake and asks him what he's doing here. "Relax," Snake says, "I'm not here to take over your camp... today." "So why are you creeping around our bushes then?" Max questioned.  "I'm just here to make sure a former Wood Scout isn't exposing our secrets to the enemy." Snake replied. "Newsflash asshole, we haven't gotten any new campers... at least no ex Wood Scouts," Max informs him. Snake points to Amber. "He left us at the beginning of the summer," Snake says, "joined up with the Flower Scouts and gave them a ton of private intel. We've been onto him since." Snake then backed away and vanished into the forest, leaving Max alone. "I fucking knew it," Max whispers to himself. 

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