Secrets Spilled

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Later in the day, the campers gather in the Mess Hall for dinner. Max, Neil, and Nikki all sit at their table and pick at their "food". Max whispers to Neil and Nikki, "Guys, Amber is lying about everything, and I actually have proof." Neil begins to get visibly frustrated. "If you took the time to get to know Amber you'd know she's a sweet and caring person. She isn't hiding anything," he says. "Snake told me behind the tents," Max says. "What are you talking about?" Nikki asked. "Amber isn't just an ex Flower Scout.... she's also an ex Wood Scout," Max tells them. "What?" Neil and Nikki ask. Just as Max was about to explain all of the stuff Snake told him, David, Gwen, and Amber enter the Mess Hall. 

Amber walks in wearing her new Camp Campbell uniform. She then takes a seat with Max, Neil and Nikki. "Hey, guys" Amber says. "How was your first day?" Nikki asks. Amber exclaims with joy. "It was wonderful, this is such an amazing summer camp," she says. "How can anyone say that about Camp Campbell? We have subpar plumbing and the owner tricked a bunch of kids to be here," Max scoffs, "The camp is adequate at best." "But everyone is so friendly," Amber adds. Neil sighs, "Yeah that'll stop within the week." "Well, none of my camps have been as enjoyable as this one."  Amber states. "Camps?" Nikki asks with a hard 'S'. Amber begins to look nervous. "Oh... um..." Amber manages to get out. Before she has a chance to explain, David shouts that Space Kid has gone missing again. 

Gwen sighs with annoyance "Alright everyone partner up. Just like last time, you know where to look." Neil, Nikki, and Amber get up to go searching. 

Max grabs Amber's arm. "You and I are going to have a nice little chat," Max says in a scheming voice. "Shouldn't we look for Space Kid?" Amber asks. "He'll be fine," Max reassures her. "So I heard from an external source you were an ex Wood Scout." Amber begins to look nervous. "So why don't you cut the shit and admit why you're really here." Amber stops looking nervous and starts looking frustrated. "Whatever you heard is none of your business, Max, you need to stop meddling in my life!" she shouts at him. Amber then storms out of the Mess Hall. 

Max begins to look pissed. Space Kid walks into the Mess Hall shortly after. "Howdy Max... where did everyone go?" he asked. "They went out to look for you," Max tells him with annoyance. "Oh no, I'm missing again? I should go help look." Space Kid says and runs out of the Mess Hall.

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