Chapter 17 - Part I

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LIZZIE FROZE AS NEV SCREAMED. Saj howled. Metal screeched behind them.

The Tank crunched into gravel on the edge of the shoulder. It slid into the snowbank.

Lizzie saw nothing on the other side but emptiness.

Chill. She clutched the ‘Oh, shit’ handle. She shoved her feet against the floor like she could jump out. She couldn’t do anything. Tune out the screams and chaos and wait. Snow shot up as they hit the bank.

Then it all stopped. And they were all still alive. Lizzie breathed.

Zach punched the stereo off and killed the engine. “Mother-fuckin’ shit!”

Saj and Spike howled in unison. Spike bounced up and down in the back seat.

Zach shook, staring at his hands.

Only Nev‘s mouth moved, “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.”

Lizzie turned to console the boys. “Saj, Spike, it’s okay. Everything’s okay.”

“Everybody quiet!” Zach slammed his fists on the dashboard. Saj and Spike continued their cries. He jerked the door open, hopped down into the snow and shoved the door shut.

Lizzie tried to calm herself as the Tank shook. She glanced out her window. “ZACH!”

He spun toward her and pulled the door open. “What?”

Lizzie’s voice was icy calm. “If I step out my door I will fall hundreds of feet. Please, get in and drive the Tank back away from the edge.”

Zach’s eyes grew. He climbed in, started the engine and turned the front wheels toward the road. “First gear,” he said, is if it would provide comfort, “All wheel drive.” The engine revved and the beast slipped forward. A screech of metal came from behind. The 4X4 light blinked as the screech turned into a clunk, clunk sound. When they were back on the freeway Zach stepped on the brakes and the Tank slid to a stop. He put it in park and stepped on the emergency brake. “Better?”

“Yeah.” Lizzie nodded. I guess I really don’t want to die. “Thanks.”

Lizzie listened to her breath, her air sucking in and out. Her mind spun though the Tank was still.

“Now I better figure out what the hell that noise was.” Zach slammed the driver’s door again.

Lizzie shifted in her seat. “Nev, get Saj out of the car seat. Probably needs his diaper changed and something to eat. What time is it? Let Spike out, too. Zach can deal with him.”

Nev handed Saj to Lizzie, flipped the door open and pulled the back seat up for Spike.

“Spike. Get out,” Lizzie said. “You can play.”

Spike scrambled out. Nev pulled the door shut as snowflakes flew in. Spike bounced around like a child, while Zach pounded on the hood of the truck.

“Too much testosterone.” Lizzie bounced Saj. “TMT, way more dangerous than TNT. You’re not gonna be like that are you, Saj?”

“Of course he is, Lizzie. Not a whole hell of a lot you can do about it.”

“S’pose not.” Lizzie knew Nev was right. Jason had started getting to be like that. “Get me some formula?”

Saj had calmed down. As Lizzie changed his diaper; the cold brought his penis erect. “Look at that cute little wingwer.”

“Probably why all men feel inadequate.” Nev poured water from the thermos into a bottle. “Their mother’s always told them they have cute little thingies!”

“That’d be weird.” Lizzie laughed. “My, what a big penis you have, young man.” She grinned at Nev. “Think that’ll help?”

“Maybe. Not having a deluge of pop culture will probably help.” Nev shook the bottle. “This isn’t warm.”

“Better than too hot. I expect he won’t mind as long as it doesn’t scald or freeze his tummy.”

Nev handed her the bottle.

“Hungry, little man?” As Lizzie brought the bottle close, his hands grasped it and pulled it toward his face. “Not in your eye, Saj.” Lizzie redirected it. “That’s better.”

Dealing with Saj calmed her. “That was pretty freaky.”

“Yeah.” Nev shook her head. “Figured we all survived the plague to die on the mountain in the snow. On fire.”

Zach opened the door. “Everybody all right?” Snow blew in.

“Yeah.” Nev answered. “Still alive. How are you doing?”

“I’m okay. Thought we bought it.” Zach climbed into the cab and pulled the door shut. “The trailer’s hella twisted sideways and the tongue is bent.” Snowflakes inched down his face. His several-day stubble had little crystals stuck in it. “I unhitched it and got the gas cans on the top racks and tied them down.” He wiped his face with his hands. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to head further up the pass. Snow’s not thick, but there’s a sheet of ice an inch down.”

“We can try again tomorrow,” Lizzie agreed.

“I don’t think so, Lizzie. Maybe with chains, which we didn’t think to get.” He watched her, his jaw firm and his eyes intense. “We’re not crossing the pass this winter.”

“Zach.” The recent warmth of safety disappeared and ice replaced it in Lizzie’s stomach. “I need to get to Salt Lake.”

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