Chapter 17 - Part II

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“Please?” Lizzie watched him shove down an angry explosion.

“I’m not ready to die,” Zach said through gritted teeth.

“Guys, we’ll figure it out.” Nev hugged Lizzie over the seat, smoothed her hair back. “We’ll get you and your dad together.”

Zach exhaled. “This pass is not the only way to Salt Lake City. We’ll go down I-5 and cross over by the Columbia.”

Lizzie nodded, her face flushed. She didn’t trust herself to speak.

“I’ll get Spike.” Zach climbed out into the swirling snow.

Spike danced in the headlights, his mouth open.

“Spike is hilarious.” Nev laughed. “Like he’s never seen snow.”

“I wonder if he remembers before the virus?” Lizzie said.

“Don’t know. We better get him in before he catches pneumonia.”

Spike didn’t want to come along. Zach pulled at him, but Spike was taller and heavier. After a couple attempts, Zach climbed back in. “We’re going. I can’t fight him into the truck. Maybe if we go, he’ll want to go with us.” He started the truck; its throaty rumble roared.

“Wait!” Lizzie growled. She handed Saj back over the seat to Nev. “Don’t ever drive without the kid in the car seat.” Jerkwad had backed out of the driveway and knocked Jayce’s head against the window once. “Give me your coat, mine’s in the way back.”

Zach shrugged out of it; Lizzie slipped into its warmth. She zipped it up and pulled the hood over her head. “Be right back.” She opened the door and jumped down into the snow, shoving the door shut behind her. “Spike?”

Spike giggled, trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue. Ice covered his scraggly salt and pepper beard.

“Spike.” He turned to her, smiling a delighted grin. Lizzie had never seen him this happy. “Come on, big man.” She opened her mouth and caught some snow. “It’s fun.” And it was. She smiled back at him and caught a few more, letting their icy chill turn down the heat of her anger. “Spike, we gotta get back in the Tank. You’re gonna freeze out here.” The door opened and shut behind her. Spike wasn’t listening or understanding.

“Not really working, huh?” Nev asked. She picked up some snow and made a snowball, tossing it at Spike.

Spike turned a bemused grin on his face.

“Good idea, Nev.” Lizzie knelt and picked up a double handful of snow. She pressed it into a ball and held it up for Spike. “Here, Spike. Here’s a big one.” He came toward her.

She held it out in front of her as an offering. “Come on, Spike. Here’s a big snowflake.” She pulled off a chunk with her now freezing fingers. She held it up for him to eat. When his mouth opened she popped it in.

Spike’s face glowed like a kid. Jayce had loved the snow when it came, but in Western Washington it always went away too soon. Lizzie wrapped her arms around Spike and hugged. Something hit her in the back. Snow. She turned to see Nev grinning at her, another snowball ready to fly.

Zach burst out of the truck and Nev threw it at him. Lizzie hurled what was left in her hands at Zach, too. She scooped more and threw one at Nev for retribution. Snow flew. Loud laughter sounded strange in the deadening soundscape of snow. Spike guffawed, sounding more hyena than human. Zach took refuge behind the truck near the snowbank.

Nev looked at Lizzie and gestured toward Zach.

Lizzie knew what she intended; they raced together, knocking into Zach and pushing him down into the snow. He came up stuttering and flinging snow wildly.

They all three sat for a moment watching. Spike capered and laughed. Zach pulled both of the girls toward him for a quick hug, but dumped snow on their heads.

Lizzie and Nev retaliated until Zach, laughing, held his hands up. “Stop. I give.”

Lizzie pushed herself to her feet off Zach.

“We better get warm and dry,” Nev suggested.

“Worry wart.” Lizzie tossed the last of the slush ball at Nev. She dug another ball of snow. “Come on, Spike.”

He turned, grinning. She jumped back toward the truck, holding the snow near the door. He lumbered toward her and bit at the snow, his drooling mouth barely missed her fingers. Nev climbed into the Tank. Lizzie tossed the snowball to her. “Come on, Spike. In the Tank. Get the snow.” She slapped her legs and he hopped up. Nev gave him the rest of the snow and Lizzie slammed the door.

“Nice work.” Zach hopped in, shifted the Tank into drive and it lurched forward. “Buckle up, buttercup.”

When they were off the cliff side, Zach sped up. The Tank skated into the ditch. “Shit!” It wasn’t deep and they didn’t tip. He swore and shoved it in park. “I’m done for tonight. We’ll sleep here. Glad we got sleeping bags. Tomorrow, when it’s light, I’ll try again.”

Lizzie sighed and climbed out and pulled the bags out of the topper. In a few minutes she was in a bag with Saj cradled in her arms. She listened to her voicemails and stared at the pictures and videos on her cell phone. I miss you Mama. You, too, Jayce. When she had finished, Nev and Zach were both asleep.

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