Chapter 23 - Part III

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Zach didn’t see any response from Nev. He felt all wound up, a ball of fear. He had to explain.

“Before I called you. When we thought we were like the only people left.”

Nev raised her head up and looked at him, staring into his eyes.

Zach met her gaze. “It was weird. We’re both pretending it didn’t happen.”

“And doing a pretty shitty job of that,” Nev said.

“Yeah.” Zach’s heart beat fast. He wanted to hold her. Promise her… Promise her almost anything. Instead, he agreed. “I’m sorry.”

“Me, too.” Nev got up and walked toward the skate park.

“Can I come with you?”

“Only if you want to,” Nev said, her voice soft.

He slid out from the picnic table and ran to catch up. Her hand dangled at her side. When they reached the trees, he grasped it gently.

She didn’t pull away. “Is that why you didn’t sleep with me last night?”

Zach walked along, thinking, feeling her hand holding his. “I didn’t want to fuck it up.”

“Good plan.” Nev glanced over at him, tears in her eyes, but a bit of glow and a half smile. “What’re you going to do about Lizzie?”

“I don’t know. Talk to her, I guess.”

“Good idea.”

Behind them, the Tank pulled up near the slides and swings. Lizzie was calling to the boys, “Park. It’s a park.”

“Spike, let’s play Hide and Seek,” Charley hollered.

Nev and Zach walked away from the skate park and into the lightly wooded area.

“I’ll get stuff out for lunch,” Lizzie called after them. Nev waved and Zach copied her.

“Talk to her. We’ve hardly been on the road and it’s already unbearable.”

“It’s not a picnic for me,” Zach said. “But, yeah. I get it. Lizzie will be fine. I’m worried about you. And me. Us.”

Nev turned to him, her lip twitched and the tears fell. She leaned toward him, her hand slid behind his head and tugged his face down toward her. Their lips met. “That’s why I need you to talk to her.”

Zach wrapped his arms around her and held her tight, letting their lips rest together, touching. Then she buried her face in his chest and squeezed him back.

They wandered, enjoying each other’s company. Zach contemplated what he would say to Lizzie.

They wound back toward the playground on the trails, kissing once more before they came out in the open. Nev dropped his hand.

Lizzie had opened the care package box filled with food carefully placed in recycled yogurt and sour cream containers. There was sliced turkey and bread, olives and pickles, cranberry sauce and carrots. The three musketeers watched the boys play. Zach helped Saj get up onto the play pieces. Saj loved the bouncy bridge because when he jumped this time he went up and down. Nev and Lizzie didn’t seem to be talking.

Zach watched Lizzie when it was her turn, spinning Saj up in the air. Nev was more sedate, patiently walking him up and down the stairs, swinging with him wrapped in her arms.

When Saj fussed and the wind picked up, Zach called to Charley, “Olly, olly all in free.” Charley and Spike came rushing back, all red faced and laughing.

“I taught Spike,” Charley blurted, “Run, Hide and Stay!”

“Good job,” Zach said.

Lizzie echoed him and signed it.

They packed the Tank and Zach returned to the driver’s seat. Nev took shotgun and Lizzie sat in back. There was no discussion; it just happened.

The sun set as Zach drove into La Grande. A big temporary traffic sign flashed. GO TO EOU. WE HELP U. “Hey, we need a place to spend the night…”

There was no audible response from either of the girls.

“The university seems as good a place as any—assuming it has dorms.” Zach took the exit to the City Center.

As they got nearer, spray painted arrows repeated the directions. GO TO THE QUINN COLISEUM. 6th & G Streets. Zach followed the arrows and parked in the lot outside the Coliseum. Everyone got out of the car and stretched their legs. ”I'm gonna go check out what's at the end of the arrows. Who wants to come with me?" He looked at Nev, hoping to get more alone time together.

But Nev jerked her head toward Lizzie. Zach groaned inwardly. Nev was going to “fix” things with Lizzie by sticking them together.

He walked toward Nev, intent on dragging her with him. He pleaded with his eyes, trying for a puppy dog look. But before he got to her, she lifted up Saj like a barrier between them and said, "I'll stay with the kids. You and Lizzie go.”

"Uh—sure," Zach said.

Lizzie rolled her eyes and set off ahead of him, following the arrows. He had to run to catch her.

“Lizzie, wait up,” Zach called. He caught up with her inside the foyer. A bi-fold sign said, “This way” with an arrow. “Lizzie. Stop.” Zach heard his father’s angry voice in his words.

Lizzie spun around. “What, Zach? I know you didn’t want to come with me. You want to be here with Nev.” She shook her head and turned to walk away.

“Hold it.” Zach didn’t try to keep the anger out of his voice. “You said it didn’t mean anything. You said, ‘We can stay friends.’ You spewed all the things I told you years ago right back at me. Now, when Nev and I might have something starting you go all jealous on me?”

Lizzie glared at him. He watched her mouth working. “Fuck you, Zach. I’m not jealous. I’m lonely and I’m scared and if you and Nev hook up, what am I? A baby sitter or a fifth wheel?” She ran down the hallway following the arrows on the floor.

“Well, shit.” Zach strode after her. “It won’t happen,” Zach called. “You’ll find somebody.”

Lizzie stood staring at a spray painted X in the middle of a basketball court.

“I’m sorry,” Zach said, quiet in this gymnasium. He stood behind her and scanned the empty seats.

“Maybe we’re too late,” Lizzie said.

“We’re not too late. Nev’s cool. We can make it work.”

“Not that, dummy.” She motioned to the empty room. “I mean too late for whatever the arrows mean. But where are the bodies?”

Loudspeakers boomed a deep male voice. “Welcome. How can I help you?”

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