A Separation Operation

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Last time in the world of Pokemon, Our heroes were having a peaceful time on their way to Pewter City when suddenly DJ's Weedle evolved into a Kakuna. Then out of nowhere when our heroes were enjoying their lunch team rocket came by and had successfully stolen Charmander. But with a strong determination, Shawn, DJ, and Ethan all managed to track them down and free Charmander from their clutches. Now with their sites set back on Pewter city once more, our heroes continue their journey to become pokemon masters.

Shawn:Man we've been walking forever. How much longer until we get there?

Ethan:I don't know ask DJ he's got the map.

DJ:According to the map it should be down this road, so not that long.(Stomach Growls)



Ethan:(smiles)You hungry DJ?



Shawn:(smiles)Welp I guess we're taking a break.

Ethan:(happily)We'll get started on lunch.


DJ:Awesome and while you do that Ethan, I'd like to have a rematch with you Shawn.

Shawn: You're on!

Ethan: Good luck you two!

Shawn: Thanks Ethan, I'll be sure to win!

DJ: No way you're beating me this time!

So they got into position and got ready to battle.

DJ: Are you ready Bulbasaur?


DJ: Oh yeah hang on a sec. Kakuna, come out!

Kakuna: ...

DJ: Maybe you can evolve from watching our battle, so pay close attention.

Shawn: Ok then. Growlithe, Help me out!

Shawn threw the Pokéball and Growlithe popped out ready for battle.


DJ: A fire type huh? Ok then, Bulbasaur razor leaf!

Shawn: Burn those leaves with your flamethrower!

Bulbasaur launched a barrage of leaves but they were burned easily from the flamethrower.

Shawn: Now Growlithe, Take down!

DJ: Bulbasaur, try and stop Growlithe with vine whip!

Shawn: Dodge it and keep going!

Growlithe dodged both of the vines and crashed into bulbasaur.

DJ: Bulbasaur!

Shawn: Now get close and use flamethrower!

Growlithe got up close to Bulbasaur and was about to use flamethrower.

DJ: Quick use your vine whip and knock him off balance!

Bulbasaur then uses his vines and tripped Growlithe causing his flamethrower to fire off in to the woods and hit something that made a sound of pain.

Shawn: uh oh.

DJ:(Nervously)I don't like the sound of that.

Ethan: Whatever it was it didn't sound happy.

Just then three Nidoking popped out of the bushes.

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