The Princess of the water

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Last time in the world of Pokemon, Our heroes found themselves on a mission to save the moon stone from team rocket's cluches on Mt. Moon. With a lot of help from Seymour the scientists and the Clefairy, their mission turned out to be successful as they continue on to cerulean city, and with Shawn's new friend Clefairy to join his team, we can only watch and wait to see how this next gym battle will go for our heroes.

Shawn:(excited)Hey guys check it out!


Ethan:(excited)It's Cerulean city!

They had all ran to the top of the hill and looked down towards Cerulean city.

Shawn:(excited)Well what are we waiting for, let's go get our badge!


DJ & Ethan:(happily)Yeah!


Charmander:(happily)Char Charmander!

So they all started to walk deep into the city and looked all around at all the different things until they came across a investigation site that had police surrounding the area and trying to keep people from entering the building.

DJ: What do you guys think happened over there?

Shawn:I don't know, Let's find out.

They walked over to the crowd of people and into the front and tried figuring out what had happened.

Ethan: Excuse me sir can you tell us what happened here?

Man:Apparently there was a robbery last night by some strange burglars.

Shawn: A robbery by strange burglars?

???: Who knows something about burglars?

DJ: huh?

They all looked up to see officer Jenny standing in front of them with a very suspicious look on her face.

Jenny: You three look very suspicious to me.

Shawn:(smiles)Oh hey again Jenny. When did you get here from Medius town?

Jenny: Medius town? Oh you must mean my sister in law.

DJ: Sister in law?

Jenny: Yes, I have sisters, sister in laws, and cousins all over the Kanto region.

Ethan: Just like all the nurse Joys.

Jenny: So if you know my sister in law then that means that you've had business dealing with the police force in medius town.

Shawn:(Nervous)Um, yeah you can say that.

Jenny: Maybe you could have just bumped into her and asked for directions, Or maybe you found a lost wallet and turned it in to her. Or maybe you're prisoners who busted outta jail!

Shawn:(nervous)W-we're not prisoners.


Ethan:(nervous)We've never even been to jail before!

Jenny:(suspicious)That's what they all say.

DJ:(nervous)We just saw the big crowd and wanted to see what happened.

Jenny:(smirks)The criminal always returns to the scene of the crime.

Shawn:(nervous)Maybe this will clear things up.

Shawn shows officer Jenny his pokédex.

Shawn's Pokédex: This Pokédex belongs to Shawn of Silpon town for his pokemon journey. If lost or stolen I cannot be replaced.

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