The Undefeatable Champion?

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Last time in the world of Pokémon, our heroes finally made it to Cerulean city and made their way around town to have a little bit of relaxation before the gym battle. But their time of fun was disturbed when two trainers by the name of Josh and Tristan suddenly claimed that they're too weak to battle the gym leader, and then tried to force them to switch Pokémon with them, but our heroes brushed off the encounter and won themselves a Cascade badge no thanks to team rocket. Now our heroes continue down a path towards the forest to find their next gym battle at....Well-

Shawn:So where are we going again?

DJ: Vermilion city remember.

Ethan: Oh yeah I forgot that too.

DJ: It's pretty far away from here though.

Shawn:(happily)Oh well, that just means more time for adventure.

Ethan:(happily)More time to train too.

DJ:(happily)And lots of cool Pokemon to see.

Shawn:(happily)That's the spirit, now let's get moving!

They all began walking down the path towards the forest but they were soon stopped by 3 random trainers.

Trainer #1: Hey, you three!

Shawn, DJ, and Ethan: huh?

Trainer #2: We wanna have a battle!

Trainer #3: Only If you want too that is?

Shawn:(happily)Sure I'll battle with you.

DJ:(happily)Same with me, I'll battle too.

Ethan:(happily)I'm in if you guys are.

Trainer #1:(excited)Awesome!

Trainer #2(excited)You won't regret this we promise!

They all got into the open field and got ready to battle.

Shawn: I'd like to battle first if it's ok with you guys.

DJ: Sure Shawn.

Ethan: Go for it.

Shawn: Thanks.

Trainer #1:Ok, then I'll go first!

Shawn and the other trainer got ready to battle.

Trainer #1:Here's my partner!

The trainer threw a Pokèball and a Rattata popped out.

DJ: Hey it's a Rattata.

Ethan: Neat.

Ethan's Pokèdex: Rattata, the mouse Pokèmon and the first form of Raticate. Rattata are always on the alert, keeping an ear out for the slightest sound even in its sleep. It's happy to nest just about anywhere.

Shawn:Wanna go for it Squirtle?


Shawn: Alright, then I choose Squirtle.

Trainer #1: That's fine by me. Now Rattata use Tackle!

Shawn: Squirtle use rapid spin!

Rattata charged at Squirtle but was smashed back by Squirtle's rapid spin.

Trainer #1:(worried)Rattata hang in there and use bite attack!

Shawn: Squirtle, hit it with bubble beam!

As Rattata charged in for another attack it was hit by bubble beam.

Trainer #1:(worried)Rattata are you ok?

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