it's a sick world out there

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Don't press that button, your mother doesn't know, she isn't home, to stop, your little show.

You put on your apron, backwards but neat, your hat inside out, and your life feels completes.

You grab a pan, with your own precious plan, and set out to show, that you can compete.

You speak too cute, you blow a kiss, but there's something out there, in the abyss.

Please little girl, the camera's still on, don't leave it running, there's a man out there, who know's that you're stunning.

Your radiance is brighter than the sun and the moon, your smile is sweeter than macaroons, but if you don't watch you're back, he will be there soon.

He sits in his home, the lights are all off, he waits for your smile, and take his clothes off.

Please don't be foolish, he is waiting to play, and he will touch himself, to your show everyday.

Dear little girl, please press rewind, pause it now, turn back time, stop the tape from rolling, just know when to quit.

The little girl pauses, her hands, ignorant, the mans hand hovers over, waiting to click.

She waits for a moment. She decides to delete, her mother would be mad, if she clicked upload on it.

She runs outside, and plays in the sand, A smile on her face, safe from his gross plan.

Meanwhile, another little girl, somewhere far away, prancing in her room, decides to press okay.

Three months later, she thinks nothing of it, she's heard her mothers pleas and taken it down, but its too late for that now.

One night she is out, she is heading home, he waits in the darkness, to take her to his home.

She looks to the left, she looks to the right, She can't outrun his fast pace, she can't win this fight.

Its too late now but  The little girl cries, she's a far way from home, lost in the throes, trapped under his body asthe ugly man moans.

She cries for her mom, closes her eyes why didn't I just press delete and I'd be just fine.

Its cold now. Her eyes lost their glow, he leaves her body, in the fresh winter snow.

He treks home to his abode, and surf's through the web, for some other girl who he can find instead.

As for the dead girl, her mom's a big mess. She thinks, its a sick world out there, and she knows best.

She picks up her pen, she writes it all down, and hopes you are reading this, deeply right now.

Its a sick world out there, and it's not going to stop, the world is not warm, there a secrets in the dark.

So watch your back, and hide your posts, the man might be waiting, in his humble abode.

Its a sick world out there, and nothings ok, its a sick world out there, and the man's here to stay.

Authors Note: Sorry if this bothers you I know it's a very dark topic but it's a real fear of mine.

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