Chapter 1

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You are in your car with your sister Maddie and Emily,your loving mom, Hannah and your awful step dad Kaden. Your life could not get any better, but it could always get worse.

You are talking with Emily and out of no were your step dad starts yelling at you. "When we get back to the hotel you are going to take out the trash, do your laundry and clean the living room and your room while we go to the pool! YOU GOT IT!" He yells at you. "Why I want to go swimming as well." I reply. "Why are you talking back to me young lady!" Kaden yells. "Honey" I hear my mom whisper. Kaden completely engorging my mom.

We got to the hotel and I walked up to Kaden. "Why do I need to do chores that is the maids job" I asked in a soft tone scared on what he is going to say. "Because you need something you can do so you stay out of trouble!" He said. " I should be able to go swimming though," I said. All he did was shake his head and walked out of the room heading down to the swimming pool. My sisters just gave me a hug and left.

I was done with my chores and got in my bathing suit and headed down to the pool. " when did I give you permission to come down and swim." Kaden said. "You didn't, mom did" I lied. I looked over at her and she nodded. Then Kaden rolled his eyes and left. I entered the pool and started playing with my sisters.

It was time for bed and I was forced to sleep on the ground because Kaden filled my bed with his stuff. I couldn't sleep so I decided to watch my favorite YouTubers Paul and Jen as I was in the middle of watching a video I saw Kaden staring at me. With out anything being said he took my phone and threw it is the trash can. I took my phone out of the out of the trash can and hid it in my pants and went to bed.

I woke up and I was sad because it was the time we had to fly across the country to get back home. We packed up and headed out. Every one was carrying their own stuff except for Kaden he had me carry it along with my stuff.

On the drive to the airport I asked Kaden " why are you always so rude to me and only me," I said. I was silent for what felt like forever until Kaden yelled, " why are you so unimaginatively so disrespectful and alway complaining!!" He yelled. I could feel my eyes watering up. The car stoped next to a workplace. "Get out of the car!!" He yelled. I noded and grabed my bag and stepped onto the sidewalk.

At that moment so many things were going through my head ' how ami going to get home' ' where am I' ' where am I going to stay' 'did he mean it or is he coming back for me' I was shaking at the fear of what will happen. I checked my phone, knowing that is is now 1:37 I decided just to try to sleep on what is going on.

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