Chapter 3

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Your POV
I told them everything. On how my step dad left me and how I live across the country.

"We can get you a ticket to go home," Matt said. "I don't want to go home, I'm scared of my home to be honest." I didn't bother to look up at ether of them. "But you have no where to stay," Matt said. I look up and Matt looked concerned and Paul looked like he was in deep thought. Paul opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He pulled out his phone and left the room. I noticed he was on the phone talking to someone. He looked determined now. I looked over at Matt who looked confused.

We waited for about 5 minutes and then Paul made a motion that said one minute. He went down the stairs and disappeared.

Paul's POV
After Charlotte told her story I felt extremely sorry and that I needed to do something. I walked out out of the room and decided to call Jen.

I explained the story of Charlotte to Jen and waited for a response. "Of course, but can I meet her first?" She asked, "yeah, do you want to get dinner with her or something so we can meet her?"
"Yeah that sounds great babe. See you at hi5,"

I put up my finger to Matt and Charlotte to si gnal that I will be one minute and headed down stairs to meet Jen in the parking lot.

When she pulled in she gave me a hug then we headed to Matt's office.

Your POV
Paul came upstairs with someone next to him. When I took a closer look I saw it was Jen. I was really confused and it looked like Matt was too.

"Hey Char, this is Jen." He motioned to Jen standing next to him, "Her and I would like to know if you want to stay with us for awhile?" I noded because I was excited I did not have to go to all of the bad memories back at my home, or well my old home now.

Hi sorry this chapter might be a little sloppy I did I'd last minute so ya. Non the less I hope you enjoy it.

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