10{A day out}

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Wild's pov.

     I woke up feeling happy. I smile and look around. I get worried about not seeing Twilight. I swung my legs over the bed and look for my shirt. I look over at the chair in the corner of the room. I smile and laugh a little seeing him sleeping on the chair. I grab my shirt on the dresser. It was clean. I smile and go to the bathroom cleaning myself up. I put on my shirt and tie my hair into a low ponytail. I look at the chair again. He was still sleeping. I leave the room and walk out of the inn. It's my last day out here I need to make it to the fullest! 

Time skip to the laziest bum waking up. (lol)

Twilight's pov.

     I wake up looking at the bed. I freak out not seeing him. I get up quickly and look around. He wasn't near. I put on my tunic and run out. I look around the village looking for him. No luck. I'm by the front of the village not seeing him. I sigh but hear a little yelp. I turn around. I walk towards some bushes seeing them rumble a little. I hover my hand over my sword then move the bush to get a clear look at what's causing the noise. 

     I see the brighter blond laying on the ground a cat laying on his stomach. He sees me and smiles. I look back at him and smile a little. I sit next to him. Eager to touch the cat. I pet the cat's head and it started to purr. It got off Wild and went over to me. I saw Wild smile and he got up on his elbows and was looking at me cuddling the cat. It's his last day and he's wasting it on me. "We can go if you want," I said. He giggled a little. "No, I'm fine. Promise," He said and laid back down.

Wild's pov.

     I watch him as he played with the cat. I smile seeing him so amused by the cat. I felt my eyes becoming droopy. I lay back down feeling his eyes on me however I felt myself enjoy his presence, I felt safe, I felt happy, I felt warm. I cuddle closer to him and I felt him lean towards me too. I smile.

Author's note: So Hi, Sorry this was short I didn't really know what to write. I already have the story filled out but this was just a filler. But anyway I have a question. Do you think I should make a South park book? I'll most likely make it after I'm done with this one. But I don't know. I have a lot of ideas for a bunch of stories. Hope you all have a nice day!~

 Hope you all have a nice day!~

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You are my curse. (Wildlight story) discounted.Where stories live. Discover now