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Wild's pov.

I felt my legs shiver as we kept walking to the nearest village. Although Twilight offered me his tunic I declined I didn't want him to get sick because of me. I cuddled into my cape trying to gain warmth. Twilight was still holding my hand but I didn't want to say anything about it because it would be awkward and also it kept me warm so I'm not going to protest. 

     "Lets take a break." He said and sat down still holding my hand until he realized it his face became a darker shade and he let go. " Wait! " I yell, I cover my mouth his shocked face looking at mine. I mumble softly. "Your hand gave me warmth." He smiles a little and picked up my hand again. I smile and sit closer to him resting my head on his shoulder causing him to put his arm around me. He seemed stiff for awhile until-

 "Is this okay?" He asks. I smile wider and give him a " yes" and we rested like this for awhile. I didn't want to let go. I realized Twilight still had the map in his hands. "Can I?" I ask pointing to the slate. But he didn't say anything. I take a glance at him. His eyes were closed and his breathing was calm. He's sleeping! 

     I grab the map from him carefully. Once it left his hands I welcomed it mine. I looked at map. We seem to be close it should only take five more minutes. I look at Twilight again. I felt him rest his head against mine. I let him sleep for another minute or two I smoke him awake. "Its going to be night soon wake up" he groaned but say up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He stretched and got up. I smile and get up too. 

 "How far are we?" He asks. " Almost there. " I answer him. He was about to leave but I held him back. He seemed startled and looked at me asking 'what' with his face. I toke his hand in mine lacing our fingers. He blushed back cod to walk me following behind. 

As we kept walking it felt warmer. Then I see a building in the corner I point it out and we head that way. It was hot now at this point but once we reach the inn we took a break. I could see people selling food on little stands sitting down and there was a Gerudo guard hanging around the place. I let Twilight chill here and I went to go talk to the people. I went to the guard first...

Sorry if there's spelling mistakes I didn't read through it. Thank you for reading i 'll most likely post again today.

You are my curse. (Wildlight story) discounted.Where stories live. Discover now